Why I Love Google Keep

Today I learned that not everyone knows Google Keep, which could have lead to a terrible "Google's Best Kept Secret" pun, but let's not go there. Instead, I suddenly became afraid that it will become another product google abandons.

Is that likely? No. It's had hundreds of millions of Android installs, and was last updated last week. But it's such a great service that I think y'all need to be aware of it.

What does Keep do? It allows users to take notes and make lists. It's accessible on a browser and in an app, and the two sync pretty much immediately. For visual people, which I am not, you can give every note it's own color. You can pin notes, you can add collaborators. You can add a drawing or an image.

But mostly, you can take notes quickly, and you can have lists with checkboxes. That's all I need. A thing that takes notes quickly, and syncs so it's always accessible to me. If that's what you need to, and for some odd reason you don't know Keep, you should try it.

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