Read labels when buying foods, supplements, to household products

Original upload source from Tony Pantalleresco's podcast The weather being played is going to impact you, because we are connected to the atmosphere and earth.

Republic of China's weather modification by Jim Lee Hit with frequency everywhere on planet. China's veneer, yet they had to buy oxygen mask just to go to work.

Concerns of 5G; should be concerned about all the G's. [s'mo side note: The contract to access the wireless network for cellular service is tactic consent to access and damage man's original cellular network, unless that contract was modified with specific exclusions.]

Best of offense is a good defense--being offensive, we own you, we own you, we own you.

The Zionist/Jesuit/Georgia Guidestone attitude to life. People have to recognize that they are man and woman and are under gods laws--not regulations. Take care of number one, first; then share what you do. If they take it, then good. If not, then it is on their head.

Family is going to be the most difficult tell the truth to, yet it will set them free. Stand your ground, standing your ground will impress upon them that this is serious. Tell it the way it is; let them deal with the reactions. None of us awoke because things are good. Only when there is adversity is when you make the change. Trials and tribulations are designed to make us grow, and the comfort zone needs to be rattled. We need to shed the bad program that are entrapments.

1960 of the sexual revolution toil impacts today. We now have eunuchs who have no idea of their gender. The proposed design is gender destruction.

Vegan stupidity and their lack of comprehension of sentience. Their faulty ideas of what are "spiritual" and humane; they destroy themselves, not the planet.

Changes will not occur until 'awake and active' people form a lobby to impact the political will. Politics are corrupt to the core; voting machines are rigged. Onus is on you to take care of yourself because the politicians listen to corporations not the will of the people.

Interpret what you read when you buy foods to supplements to drugs and soaps.


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