Good Meal

...Therefore his Sisters Sent unto him, saying, Lord, behold, he whom thou Lovest is sick...When Jesus heard [that], he SAID, This SICKNESS is NOT unto DEATH, but for the GLORY of GOD, that the Son of God might be GLORIFIED thereby. (John 11:3-4)
What is the First thing you will say, If you got a call that your Wife just had a Miscarriage?
What is the First thing you will say, if you were told your Results are Out?
If After your Interview you were told you didn't get the Job, what would be the First Thing you will say?
If after Proposing to a Lady with every grammar you know how to speak, She still said No, what is the First Thing that would come out of your Mouth?
If after a medical test you were diagnosed with a terminal
Death and Life are in the Power of the Tongue, if you don't Watch what you say, you will Create what you can't Watch.
What you Say in the Face of Trouble, Determines your Phase Afterwards.
Some of Us have used our Mouths to End what God has Designed to Start in Our lives.
...and Jesus said, this Sickness is Not unto Death, but unto the Glory of God.
In Other Words, you Name/Decide the Outcome of Whatever it is you are Currently in.
What Do you usually Say when Adversity Knocks on your Door?
You Must Learn to be Very Constructive with your Words, Jesus Created the Resurrection of Lazarus even before he Died.
Don't Decay with your Words what God has Designed for your Destiny.

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