What is toleranc in life....................

Every person wana get happy life , happy style of life but how , if we wana get happiness in life, then we should spread it to other first,, then this happines will come to us.. when we give happy moment to other people then other pray for us,, then these pleasure time come to us,, and we get happy life............

tolerance is big tool in this case,, tolerance mean to bear pain or hardship patience ,if we bear pain with patience then we get happy time,, some people always cry, cry if they get just little headach,, and try to force other people to get their help,,, but why we cry just on headach,, we need to to bear pain with patience,, it is very much important for living happy life..

tolerance mean to bear things you do not like,, here many people are those not like one things one food and other,, they always demand of their choice,, if we leave this behave we can get good life,, tolerance is tool , that use to bring plesure in life,, so we could use it in our life,, , with help of the tool "tolerance we can bring good moment in other people life also,,, so we should think about it seriously,,,,,,,,,,

tolerance is best great tool to get happy life @admiral-aladin

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