To Kill Mockingbird - Death threats, false flag traps, and a little help from my friends

When writing for your life breaks to driving for your life...

A hot civil war with real casualties continues under cracked cover of Mockingbird and their orchestrated narratives.

Maybe if they would have actually paid attention to the movement they could have pulled it off. Clearly they did not and I wasn't the only one smelling a fake narrative.

Not a single mention of Lee Keltner in this flier for an action against Kyle Clark and 9 News?


Seriously. Russia and not being nice to our POTUS?

Whoever created this flier somehow omitted the heated passion of the community and the continued clamor for truth about 9News and their involvement in the murder of Lee Keltner.

The method of delivery was immediately of interest. The email had been forwarded from a patriotic organizer's email. While clearly there was no endorsement, it did certainly help with the perception of legitimacy at first review. I say that with appreciation for that organizer's work. There was a deliberate effort by others to make sure that email found it's way into my hands.

The email itself drew quick concerns from multiple associates. @FrankBacon before finishing the entire body had already harrumphed, "Mailchimp. Fucking bait." Multiple others reached out asking me if it were "those 9News guys fucking with you?"


Their building is a pretty great visual backdrop for a protest activity. They knew that because they saw me do it back in August with a team of prayer warriors. That was back when we were praying for these guys to stop providing cover for elite pedophilia. It is also the same day that they coordinated in an effort to doxx me.


There was more than one person standing in front of their building when we livestreamed from their front lawn in August and they know it. We had quite the conversation with one of their security guards that day while whatever agents were deployed to hunt me at a Save The Children March a just a few miles away.

That was their first miss.

The ride back into Denver from the midwest felt like a trip behind enemy lines. We had a few meetings for Truth or Bust 2020 and were gaining traction with people newly awake to the evil of Mockingbird and the demons who control it.

Many phone calls and messages were sent and received as I cruised across Iowa and Nebraska on I-80. It wasn't the first time I had received calls with concerning intel. This war is real and patriots have each other's backs.

It was the first time the concern was for me being a target of a potential false flag attempt. There was more than one front bringing this concern and no verification from more mainstream sources that anybody had any awareness of this event.

Almost as if it were some sort of orchestration.


Just happened to take this particular day off from COVID fear porn dispersal duties...

Wonder what kind of Veteran's Day activity my now disengaged 'friend' had scheduled? Perhaps an ambush at a staged protest activity? Did they already interview my soon to be ex wife and brother whom both have their own issues with my political activities?

Somehow this didn't feel like bait for an adversarial interview.

We know Mockingbirds are afraid of those. Logic is problematic in the land of orchestrated news event make believe. These particular Mockingbirds have come a long way since the fake nurse Mockingbird meme. A large portion of the public continues to clamor for truth in the murder of Lee Keltner at the hands of a 9News team. Those who regularly face threat from the infiltration of our Nation know that these particular Mockingbirds have already murdered.

Perhaps an imprisonment trap of some sort? The smear of somebody associated with the Q Anon movement when locked away in prison and unable to answer has already been employed by this particular unit. One need look no further than a search of Kyle Clark's Twitter feed to see what this team did to Cynthia Abcug.


The calls I received on my drive towards Denver the eve of this 'event' were specific and came from incredibly informed sources.

"It isn't safe for you to be doing what you are doing here right now."

The murder of Lee Keltner shook the cognitive dissonance from many. This paired with what many know is occuring on the ground make it a hot zone. The Enemy of the People is Mockingbird and it is literal. The people that want to kill some of us are real and your belief in our dangers are not required. The attacks by these intel media assets and their following order stooges on people like Joe Oltmann, Mark Hall, and John 'Tig' Tiegen demonstrate that nobody is above their targeting. Death threats are becoming common and not all of us have security teams or militias.

My team as well as trusted associates have insisted that I take these threats as real. While establishing our contacts and having planning meetings I drove 5000 miles since Election Day getting things done. Sadly one of those things was leaving Denver with the belongings I could for an unknown amount of time.

My mission continues on after this past entaglement with Mockingbird in Denver News. I see this as a war that The People have already won. We just have to finish the fight. I see victory in 'mainstream' patriots warring for truths that six months ago many would have considered fringe. I see victory in the activists and citizen journalists who continue to face literal death in order to stand and fight for truth and our country. I see victory in the Mockingbirds' desperation and sloppiness.

I would like to be present to witness the pitchfork and torch era for Mockingbird.

Especially for those Mockingbirds who want me dead.

While I do not fear death, I am acutely conscious of my responsibility to this movement. My unorthodox methods of truthing will not result in my being utilized as any sort of false flag or smear against my team. Mockingbird may get to me eventually. They will not set me up in the process.


I took a moment to look back as I left the city I had spent years dreaming of relocating to. Life in the wind was never something I considered growing up. It will do for now. There are of course more Mockingbirds to slay.

The efforts of high profile leaders such as Oltmann and Tiegen paired with the growing fury of the larger community tell me the battle against Mockingbird Denver is already won.

Maybe somebody should tell them...


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