What If


My chest is tight and my heart wants to beats its way out of it. My focus is not on point and my eyes have tears ready to fall at a moment’s notice. Anxiety at its finest! This Twilight Zone world we are living in is becoming overwhelming – I want to change the channel! The down played violence, name calling and shaming is unbearable. I ask one thing…what if we opened our mind and really digested the information around us?


With that open mind, consider these thoughts…...

What if, just what if, Trump actually won the election? I know, I know, the media has called Biden for the win, but what if they are wrong? What if it was a tsunami of red that showed up for change on November 3, 2020? What if we allowed the judicial system to hear the case before the media sold their narrative?

What if you changed your internet browser to Duck Duck Go, Ecosia or something other than Google or Internet Explorer? What if you searched on these alternative browsers and found information that you haven’t been finding before? Would you compare these results to what you’ve been shown up until now?

What if you left your current television news source for a day or two and watched what they have to say on stations like OAN, Newsmax or Fox shows like Maria Bartiromo, Hannity, Greg Gutfel and Jesse Watters? Would you question the difference in information presented?

What if you questioned the normalizing of violence, omission of religion, legalization of hard drugs and a lowered age of sexual consent? What if things like “the new normal”, “the great reset” and “accepted voter fraud” were used with nefarious intent?


What if a movie like “Taken” was not fiction but reality? What if there are children being trafficked and an underground tunnel system is used to coyote them, undetected? What if the wall Trump is building is really to save the children?

What if this is not a political war but a religious war of good vs evil? What if we are all on the same side of this?

What if it is a war for your mind? What if Big Tech not only influenced things you purchased but influenced who you voted for?

What if Q drops were read at their source rather than their merit solely being judged by the mainstream media's view?

What if Fluoride wasn’t put in city water or include in toothpaste? What if our pineal glands weren’t calcified and we didn’t need an awakening?

What if we slowed down and took time to question why things are as they are rather than taking them at face value? Would we still think the same way?

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