Day 8: Toddler talk

So today was a continuation of my sons gastroenteritis, thankfully the vomiting has stopped and the bug has traveled down giving us all sorts of explosive nappies.

To prevent the whole family catching the bug my husband and I decided to split our duties so he would take care of our son and I'd look after our daughter, which so far has seemed to work. I don't think we've ever washed our hands so many times, the skin on my hands actually feels taught and dry.

Dispite my son being unwell he's always in a happy and excitable mood. Listening to him speak today I thought I had better document some of the words and how he pronounces them, they are so cute and I know he will go through a phase of self correcting. Once he does correct them I guess I'll be saying bye to his toddlerhood.

Here they are:
Nufferly - Nursery
Basghetti bononaise - Spaghetti bolognese
Water cuppy - cup
Efferlent - Elephant
Bikadoul - Bicycle

Try to say the and make yourself laugh 🤣

I'll add more as I hear them.
Enjoy for now.

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