Today I Learned - 10 Facts You Might Be Learning Today!

Are you ready to learn something new today? Or maybe you already know all of these but you want to see if you some reoccurring facts. Regardless, let's see what you can learn this week. All of these can found at Reddit in the link below. All of the images can be found all over the internet.

#10 - Pokemon is the highest-grossing media franchise of all time, beating out Star Wars by over $13 billion.

Have you ever thought of how much Nintendo makes because of Pokemon?

#9 - Before whistles were introduced, hockey referees used a cowbell. They had to switch to whistles when fans started bringing their own cowbells to disrupt game play.

How much were cowbells, anyways...

#8 - Gary Webb, a reporter from the San Jose Mercury News who first broke the story of CIA involvement in the cocaine trade, was found dead with "two gunshot wounds to the head." His death, in 2004, was ruled a suicide.

I think there's something wrong here... gunshots = suicide. Hmmmm... suspicious indeed.

#7 - China killed off two AI chatbots after they start criticising communism and praising the US.

Chatbots are humans too!!

#6 - Belugas can mimic the human voice so well a diver believed his colleagues were trying to talk to him when in fact it was the whale.

One day, there will be a beluga that will speak English fully, mark my words!

#5 - Most Converse sneakers have a very thin layer of felt applied to their soles, in order to legally classify them as slippers. This saves the company more than 33% in import tariffs.

Why doesn't every shoe company do this?

#4 - There's a service called "Cleaning for a Reason" in the U.S. and Canada that cleans the houses of women with cancer for free so they can focus on their health.

Well, good for the women, right? 

#3 - A Brazilian man found a penguin covered in oil and close to death. He nursed him back to health and since then the Penguin swims 3 to 5 thousand miles every year to spend time with his human soulmate.

Now I wished I had a "pet" penguin that comes for me every year.

#2 - When the 24/7-365 days restaurant Denny's decided to close for Christmas in 1988 many stores realized that they didn’t have any keys, or even locks, since they never used them. 700 of the 1221 restaurants needed to get new locks installed for the holiday.

Ok, seriously - who thought this through?

#1 - During his 2009 TED talk, Bill Gates opened a jar of mosquitoes saying “Malaria is spread by mosquitoes. I brought some… I’ll let them roam around. There is no reason only poor people should be infected” and waited for about a minute before telling the audience that the bugs were malaria-free.

Bill Gates is very much joking you know... well I can't.

I hope you enjoyed this week's "Today I Learned." Hopefully, you all learned something new!


Source : Reddit

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