Title and Skill tags that will make your profile pop (004)


In this lesson we're going to go over the professional title in skill tag section that appears at the top of your work profile Now if you haven't submitted your profile yet you'll see a screen like this when you log in of work that is prompting you to complete your profile so go ahead and click on the big green button that says complete my profile and let's scroll down to the professional title now once your profile has been approved you can actually go into job listings and click on the names of other freelancers that have applied for those jobs and see how they have the profile set up that can be very helpful or that can also be very encouraging to see how incompetent your competition is but for now we don't have access to those jobs so I recommend putting two to three key words to describe what you do so for me I do podcast consulting audio engineering and voiceover work so that's what I meant to write in you have a little over sixty characters here so you could list what makes sense but you don't have to go too crazy with it now if you have only one primary area of interest that you can describe for your title you may want to describe what makes you different from your competition for example if you design logos you could put logo design always on time OK that's a little bit cheesy but you get the idea you can give a benefit what makes you different than your competition So next we're going to move on to skill tags and it is right here and they are optional but I would recommend you go ahead and fill them in this is important since it is usually people are searching for freelancers and it also gives potential clients a quick snapshot of what your skill set is before even clicking on your profile now you can add up to ten skills and you want to add as many skills as possible for a full listing of all the skills that you can add you can pull a page on up work that allows you to browse freelancers by skill and I've included a link of this page in the references section of this lesson where we can take a quick scroll through here and as I've mentioned many times before there are over. Twenty seven hundred different skills so looking through these one by one may not be the best way to do it but I'll leave that to you let's go back to working on our up work profile. Unfortunately for me there is no tags created yet for podcasting but there are plenty for audio production in voiceover So that's what I want to go ahead in fill in here and you can see as I type in audio a bunch of different options come up below so I just have to type in audio over and over again and then select the options that make sense so I'll start out with audio mixing and then we'll go ahead and move on to voice over And that makes up ten tags so it looks like I've maxed it out now you may find in the future that you are seeing in getting jobs that are in a related field but not precisely described in your professional title or your skill tags if that's the case you could always go back and change them so that's it for professional title and skill tags now it's time to design your overview and that is a topic of the very next lesson.

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