TIR - Today I Remembered

Today I Remembered...

that Daniel Larimer (aka Bytemaster) one of our two Steem / Steemit founders, has a long history in crypto....leading all the way back to direct conversations with Satoshi Nakamoto around the time he/she/they were launching Bitcoin.

For those of you that do not know, Steemit is built upon blockchain technology similar to that of Bitcoin, though far more advanced. It is what enables powerful characteristics like decentralisation, zero transaction cost, censorship resistance, accountable adaptability and much more besides in our Steem network.

Dan has worked very hard for many years to realise a vision....a world in which life, liberty and property can be secure for all. So grand a vision could not have been achieved without struggle and many have been touched by the dips and surges of fortune that his projects have experienced along the way. In the end, what matters most, certainly to me, is that a dedicated, hard-working, honest, super-smart visionary has founded a truly revolutionary network. Steem and Steemit have redefined the scope of what is now possible for connected human beings to achieve. Steem is arguably built with the best technology in all of crypto and is the first to define it's utility around all people.

Dan hasn't had the recognition he deserves in my opinion.....I doubt this bothers him. Whether he wants it or not, I think that wider recognition is in the post!

Several Steemer posts have suggested voting for Dan and Ned in the Coindesk 'Most influential people in Blockchain 2016' ..... why not?

So this is the first TIR and seeing as memory and history are so important...the Steemchain serves as our collective memory after all...I hope this tag will be of use and aid our ability to record and disseminate important and interesting information. Hopefully people from outside Steemit will be interested too.

I had a brief look for the actual conversations between Satoshi and Dan in the pages of Satoshi Nakamoto Institute but I couldn't find them. Perhaps if someone knows where to find some conversations of interest, you might post them in the comments. I'd certainly be interested to read them. Thank you.

Happy Steeming

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