Vote like a WHALE and build your STEEM with @tipu!

Before I begin

There are lots of posts out there where you can read and do your own research! You can usually even tag @cardboard in a comment with a question, and he somehow finds the time to answer! (please don't bombard him! hahaha READ his posts first and THEN ask questions!) Or, maybe a better idea is to just jump into their discord and ask there!

I'll put some links at the bottom also - if you want to dig deeper!!!

My personal proclamation about why I love @tipu!

You should really read this cuz you will love them too.

Oh... back in hmmm beginning of 2018? I got my first TIP. I had no idea what it was! There was ANOTHER way to reward users with how much you appreciated their post? And it had NOTHING to do with my Steem Power??? Tell me more!!!

I believe that it was @dswigle who gave me my very first tip! (I could be wrong - but I THINK that's who it was! hehehe) and when I saw it - I was so intrigued! It was such a neat little comment. It showed me how much she appreciated my post, and it also automatically left a link for HER most recent post, if I wanted to go read her blog! What a cool way to meet new Steemians!

Above is an EXAMPLE of a tip. @rufusfirefly won a contest and @cardboard awarded him. I didn't choose this because his name has Firefly in it..... but I should have hahaha

As a new Steemian, (at the time of my first tip) I had low SP and a very low vote! I'm sure many Steemians can relate! hahhaha When I finally grew my account to have a PENNY upvote - I was thrilled! I remember thinking how frustrated I was that I couldn't show my appreciation monetarily. Yes - I'm a HUGE fan of leaving amazing comments - and I did! But was I the only one that enjoyed upvoting in a way that actually made a difference? hahaha

Apparently not - because through these tips that you could deliver through the @tipu account - you could MAKE a nice contribution to a Steemian's wallet!

I simply transferred 1 SBD to @tipu - and they held it for me! When I wanted to drop a tip - I just commented on the person's post and used the tip command! They took 0.1 SBD from my "tip jar", and dropped it on the post on my behalf! When it was depleted (1 SBD gave 10 tips) then I could deposit more - or not! My choice! If I changed my mind and wanted to withdraw it all, I could do that too!

By the way - at the time? Steem was worth $4! So that 0.1 SBD was a 40 cent "upvote" to that post!!!! I FELT LIKE A DOLPHIN!!!!!! It was so awesome!!!

And before you think "ohhhh but that was then - this is now. What good is 0.1 SBD now?" Well - at the current value of SBD? That's like a 9 cent upvote! THAT'S PRETTY AWESOME STILL!!! What's your current upvote? I bet very few people on Steem have more than that!!! so YOU can STILL feel like a DOLPHIN TOO!!!

Is that not enough? Wanna feel like a WHALE???

You can!!! If you so choose, you can drop a VOTE on a very special post! All you need to do is transfer the amount of steem you'd like to use (from your wallet) to @tipu, and then put the link of the post in the Memo. You can upvote up to $40. (And if you'd like to try it out... I volunteer as tribute! hahahaha)

And guess what? It's not like other bidbots!!!! You know how OTHER bidbots have a potential negative ROI ? NOT WITH @tipu!!! They worked it out (look at the posts that I link below for more details) how to ALWAYS give a positive ROI!! When you use their account for upvoting a post (and yep - you can upvote your own post!!! Its GREAT promotion AND you are investing in your own wallet!!!) they give you a higher value than you give them!

Want proof?

Look! I promoted one of my posts this morning using @tipu

I paid 20 steem to promote my latest chapter of Fireflies (and I'm doing a 100 steem giveaway, if you're reading it - make sure you play! hehehe) BUT I GOT THE VALUE OF A 27.457 STEEM UPVOTE!

Don't forget (like I did - and thanks to @cardboard and @crokkon in the comment section... they reminded me!) that you still have your curation rewards coming out. But with the additional 7 steem value - that kinda pays for your curation rewards so you get the FULL benefit of your 20 steem upvote! It's kinda like they pay for your curation rewards. hehehe (plus a profit on top of that too!)

Some people would say - but I don't have all that! Ok - then don't promote at 20 steem a day! haha You can just invest what you have! Slow growth is still growth! (Is now the time when I say I'm not a professional investment advisor and I am not giving financial advice? Cuz... I'm not. Do your own research - I'm just showing you what I'm doing - and how awesome @tipu is! Obviously, crypto is a risk. The market fluctuates. Hopefully this is not news to you if you are a Steemian! But - with all that on the table , this has still been beneficial to me!)

At the end of 7 days, I get my payout on the posts I promoted! (So I don't need a month's worth of steem to do this - just 7 days!) I just reinvest that money on the posts that I write! (and I am not promoting garbage. hahaha I work very hard at my posts - and you should too.) Don't add trash and pollute our waters!

Make Steem BETTER than when you found it!!!

I am NOT advocating that this is some get-rich-quick scheme. It takes time to do things well. I joined in 2016, took time off for some health reasons, and had the occasional "ughhh I need a break from Steem" that we all have haha, and I'm just NOW almost a dolphin. That's a lot of posts! A lot of commenting. A lot of supporting others. AND I invested some of my own money in the platform - I didn't just earn it all. And, over time, I've built up my account and NOW I'm at the cusp of becoming a dolphin! woo hoooo!

It takes time and commitment - no doubt. But if you have a way to slowly increase your wallet, by investing in yourself and others - I'm failing to see a downside!!!

There are even COOLER ways that this is a win/win/win/win situation for everyone - but you should really go read and support @taskmaster4450's POST or just keep up to date with @tipu by following them! They have much more of the technical info and ways to make this an even BIGGER win for everyone! (Profit share tokens, anyone? Yes please!) Very very cool.

By the way

@cardboard (the Steemian responsible for @tipu) is one of the coolest people that I have NEVER met. I've only interacted with him when he responds to a comment or posts - sometimes he left me surprise tips! (yes. how cool is that???) But the thing I like about him the most? He's seems so unassuming. He doesn't boast or brag - he just does what he does - and DOES IT WELL. Grows his project and knows that it is there for the benefit of everyone. Not many people like that!

"You sir... are a scholar and a gentleman!"

Today, I was talking to @josediccus and @naltedtirt about how awesome @tipu is! I had been meaning to write this post for a bit... so today seemed like the day to do it! :) Hope it helps you guys and YES go check it out!!! :)

Images used in this post
Tip jar

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