Tips Tricks: Financial Planning since the Beginning


What financial planning is that?

Quoted from Wikipedia, "financial planning is to manage the finances for the futureas early as possible in achieving financial goals are done in a planned, orderly and sensible".

In other words, is the assignment of penghasilanmu for a month for shopping needs, investments and savings.

A healthy financial planning course assignment is right on target and had a goal-saving. These are the main elements for determining the wealth of the future, but alsocan be changed according to needs and  goals.

Why Should Financial Planning When Young?

Probably many of you ask why should do the financial planning as early as possible, and what is its benefits? Obviously this is very important! By setting the finance you will be more mature in addressing it which so priority would use the money.

The following basic things you must understand why financial planning is important.

1. Be able to describe the financial condition

 By looking at the financial conditions you can press a lifestyle that you apply in accordance with the financial conditions. Find out how much money is already used andwhich can help you to be employed in measuring the ability of managing finances. 

2. The allocation of Funds more clearly

 Good financial management can indicate the magnitude of the capabilities you need to spend. With a clear division, you can monitor the expenditure that is too large for the thing that's not a requirement. So you can be more efficient!

3. Give the motivation

Have financial planning will makes you motivated in collecting the money. Make financial planning can help you in taking into account how much money and time required to reach the objectives financially.

4. Know how to maximize the Money

 Young age is the age of try (but, try a positive Yes). So try to look for new ideas to maximize the money that you have.

5. Be able to avoid the bad habits in managing Finances and debt Consumerist

This should be avoided, by making financial planning bad habits such as spree-spree could be resolved.

And then, how good financial Planning?

If it is sure to start to do financial planning, you live to find out how to get started properly.

Here is a tip about how to financial planning diusia young, this also applies to the College so there is no limit of age, anyone can implement it.

1. Make a budget

 Perhaps in this case you only hear in a company/Agency. Creating a budget is to setcash flow needs or (where the money is used and for what). You can create a budget of thy own to monitor the transitions of her money. 

2. Needs Analysis

After you create a budget, can now spend the money that has been recorded with a neat fit with their needs. Avoid buying goods that are not considered too importantto be used  because it would provide a financial burden for you.

 3. Learn to Save

One of the things important in doing financial planning is saving. In addition, savings deposits may also serve to financial recovery if unwanted things happen.

4. Try Investing

Actually,  in their 20 's that you should start trying investment. But most people are still not familiar with the investment. There is a fear of failure and then a loss, do not even know how to run it. Whereas, by investing early is a good and interesting things, you know. Why? Because the investment is financial planning which makes us able to get extra income or profit for the future.

The investment of many kinds. Like mutual funds, investing in gold, bank deposits, bonds, stocks and more.

If you are confused as to what is appropriate investment for the young age, perhapsthe answer is mutual funds and stocks. But, this created a truly intend to invest. Because of this, two kinds of investment risk is high. The higher the risk, the higher the profit.

Investment is also not always with big capital, as long as you are consistent later results will also increase.

But if want to try other investments is also not a problem. Look for investments that are easy to learn, and careful how to use it properly so that you don't lose out at a later date.

5. The importance of An Insurance

From all points of the above financial planning, one of the point of this one is also important. But just as the previous point, many people have yet to implement a system to this one.

Actually not surprised if many young people still don't care about the insurance program because it believed still going strong and still healthy, so do not need insurance. But if we think about the long term, the insurance programs is very important.

good luck guys ~

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