Tips To Buy & Sell A Home With Cryptocurrency

 Cryptocurrency has created a frenzy all over the world. The 2017 crypto boom has both buyers and sellers frantically searching for ways they can capitalize on the explosion. Despite the fluctuations and critics warning of a crypto bulle that will soon burst, cryptocurrency (such as Bitcoin) continue to pop up in new industries. And now, the real estate market is getting involved. But what do you need to know before buying or selling a home with cryptocurrency?

Piper Moretti, CEO of The Crypto Realty Group and a licensed realtor, was involved in the first Bitcoin transaction in Southern California and has since completed several transactions. She shares her knowledge and gives her top tips to those looking to buy or sell real estate in the crypto space. Those tips are;

  • Get Some Real Practice
  • Understand the Escrow
  • Find The Right People
  • Set The Standard
  • Verify 

 Cryptocurrency is the newest and hottest way to buy and sell, and real estate is no exception. While there are some great benefits to using digital currency in the real estate market, buyers and sellers need to do their research and protect themselves. Crypto is relatively new in the real estate world and should be treated as such. Do your homework and understand what you are getting yourself into before you get yourself into it. 

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