Tips for Boarding House Hunting

If you're an upcoming college student living in the province, yet studying in the city, or an employee looking for a place to stay, then this article is perfect for you. It can be a real headache to be roaming around in the search for a comfortable temporary haven away from home.

Here are few tips to make the hunt so much easier:



Before going out, make sure that you are familiar with the location you wished to stay. Consider the proximity of your school or workplace. In that way, it'll be much more convenient and safe. It is also much preferable if the place is quite accessible to PUJs and establishment like supermarket or malls, where you can buy your necessities. You must also consider the safety of the place. Make a little research about it to ensure that the place is safe and conducive.

Note: Most of the boarding houses which are located at the heart of the city or that are located near schools, malls and other establishments are a lot more pricey.



It is costly renting a house or a room specially if it's going to be at the heart of the city. Set a specific budget for the rental. You may set the highest amount you can go as the limit. The price may vary depending on the location, size of the room and the amenities.


Head Count

You may rent the entire room all for your self, but it would mean you have to pay the entire amount. If you wanted to save a little, you may share the room with other tenants. That would make you, the bedspacer. Depending on the size of the room as to how many bedspacers may fit. In that way, you guys will be equally dividing the amount to pay for the room.


Online Hunting

There are lots of online sites for boarding houses. You just have to know the right keywords to search. You may key in the location and words/phrases like; house rentals, room for rent, bedspacer etc. You may also visit different rental pages on facebook. You will be surprise as to how many facebook pages are there for room rentals.

These Sites and facebook pages provides pictures of the room and all the necessary information you need. This will be of great help, instead of immediately going out empty handed. You'll save time and energy.



Considering all the factor above, it's best if you know how to haggle. It may be within your budget but at least try if it's possible to lower down the price. Also, most of the landlords requires 1 month deposit and 1 month advance, even higher than that. If that's fine with you and your budget, then leave it as it is. But if not, negotiate with the landlord/ landlady and give them valid reasons. I'm sure they would understand.

After closing the deal, then welcome abode. The next thing you must think of, is how to move in fast and easy. In the meantime follow the tips and have a happy hunting.



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