Tip's For Managerial Success.

When business are merging, downsizing and competition is increasing at tremendous rate with changing and global prospective; it is hard to maintain your managerial equilibrium. To avoid getting knocked off your feet, you need to have managerial potential and capability to hold that will keep you on steady ground when all around are shaking and crumbling. The core of being a manager is being proactive rather than reactive. A perfect manager involves identifying potential problems and solving them before they reach crisis proportions and the ability to identify and reap potential windfalls. Farsightedness is a great possession to sense the probable pitfalls in times of conflict. A manager must be able to generate trust and show courage when times are bad. A manager must show the way of management rather than standing and observing things from a side.
A true manager is someone who lead by example, s/he should be somebody who is a good listener, is analytical, compassionate, a confident decision maker and a good motivator for his/her teammates and sub-ordinates. A perfect manager always searches for change, responds to it and exploit’s it as an opportunity. s/he must be up-dated with the recent trends and technology. Practice self-reliance. You can't rely on government, policies, laws and other external environment other than yourself to sustain your business. If you have the capability and believe in yourself, you are likely to come out of the cataclysm of the conflict better and quicker than others. Among many I’ve synthesized 5 important points as a tip’s to managerial success.

  1. Foster team work: The road to success is not paved by merely our own hands. It needs co-operation and efforts by others as well. If you think that you can do it myself "you are sadly mistaken and on your way to failure. If you haven’t already you will realize that working well with teams is paramount for successful returns. When your manager truly believe they are a part of team rather than custodians of a single functions, remarkable things can happen. Building this type of team delivers great results where teamwork can lead to:
    • Better problem solving-You might have heard the term "a problem shared is a problem halved". The essence of this statement is that if you have more people thinking about solutions to problems/challenges you will get more optimal results.
    • Increases creativity: To thrive and prosper these days, organizations need to continually innovate. A team of people working together not only generates more ideas but also builds on each other’s ideas. It is much easier to build on others idea’s than to start with a blank canvas.
    • Builds support: Even an experienced and blended one needs supports of other's from time to time. When team members commit to support each other it is a win-win outcome.

  2. Effective delegation of authority: Manager’s get things done through other people. If they try to do everything themselves, they become unnecessarily burdened. Their performance and health deteriorate, they fail to develop their staffs adequately and intime the organization’s will suffer. Indeed many people believe that the ability to delegate is the main distinguishing feature between good and bad managers. So before delegating authority:
    • Be yourself clear with the task’s to be delegated .Understand the task fully yourself, so that, you will later be able to brief a staff member thoroughly.
    • Right person for the job-As a manager, you should be aware of the strength’s and limitations of your staffs and delegate accordingly. Ideally the person you choose should have the ability, knowledge, skills, enthusiasm, talent, and time needed to get the job done.
    • Delegation of appropriate authority-when you give people a job, make sure you tell them how much authority you are handing over. Set parameters and establish control’s to ensure their authority and the accompanying power will be properly used.
    • Reward performance: Appreciate a job well done by recognizing good work privately and publically according to need. Sincere recognition will increase your effectiveness in delegation of authority
    • Review the outcomes of responsibility: Review the task on its completion to make sure your delegation has gained from the task. Through proper delegation, your confidence level rises and you and your organisation will benefit in the long run.

  3. Increment in productivity: whatever may be the task to be done, the ultimate purpose/goal of the organization or manager must be to increase the productivity of an organization. If you put together your business in an organized manner, you will be surprised at how efficiently your productivity increases resulting into achievement of organizational goal. Some of these tips will truly surprise you:
    • Assess weakness and strength: When you take financial reports and other details on your business performance, the first thing you should do is find the weak points of your business. So organise plan to patch up the weakness and improve on the strength.
    • Market research: You should always be up -to -date on the market’s demand, so you know what to give. Keep an open eye at all times so that; you can take note of trends and other business opportunities.
    • Plan ahead: Pre-emptive planning is important as an organizational strategy. So when you plan ahead, you prepare for whatever business problems that may occur. You should work on overcoming these obstacles so that your business can benefit from the proper planning schemes.
    • Re- innovative and flexible plan: Your plan should be flexible and re-innovative according to the changing prospective. Check for any improvement that you can impose in your business plan to bring more profit and consequently increase productivity. If you tap into new resources, always make sure that your business plan reflects these changes.

  4. Conflict management: Organization leaders are responsible for creating a work environment that enables people to thrive. Disagreements and differences of opinion does escalate into personal interest in an organization. As a manager you must intervene immediately but sometimes waiting may also test best as temper of the conflict partners may cool later. Intervening is not an only option if you value your organization and your positive culture. In conflict ridden situations your way of handling situations without affecting the sentiments of others is vital where you even may have to use arbitrator. But the conflict should remain within an organization. As you have studied conflict creates negative environment but as a manager you should learn from mistakes aroused from conflicts.
    • As managers do not avoid conflict hoping it will go away. Implement action’s to avoid in conflict resolution, where you may use mediator or if not possible an arbitrator who is an outside person.
    • Do not meet separately with people in conflict. The person in conflict has a vested interest in making him/herself ‘right’ if you place yourself, in the position of judge and jury.
    • For even a moment, do not believe the only people, who are affected by the conflict are the participant’s. Everyone in your organisation and every employees with whom the conflicting employee’s interact, is affected by stress. In worst-case scenarios your organisation member’s take sides and your organisation is divided.
    A calm and quite sea never makes the sailor skilful. So obstacles and conflicts in business is sometimes helpful in sharpening managers skills. As a manager your first priority must be on focussing human resource management. If you are blessed with a right team, you easily sail through harsh times but if you don’t have one, you lay behind.
    It’s easy to spot the need for change after things have gone wrong, but how can you evaluate your measures before they fail you? So as a perfect manager, be very precise about what you want to assess, be explicit about what metrics are assessing it and make sure that everything goes accordingly.

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