Want Votes? Ask Tippy!

Everyone loves an upvote.. right? Here on Steemit a vote is a sign of affirmation, support and sometimes sweet sweet SBD posting reward.

I've given my somewhat buggy silly at times robotic son Tippy some modifications, most of it is just boring bug hunting stuff no one really gives a crap about.. but one interesting thing I do want to share is that Tippy now gives random upvotes to whoever calls it!

Wanna Tippy© Robo-Vote a Post?

Comment @tippy vote and the article or comment above will receive a random 0.01% to 100% upvote from Tippy! It's completely(ish) random!

Here's the actual code snippet used in Tippy's soul to calculate the vote:

//-----  VOTE
        if (commandparsed.toLowerCase().indexOf("vote") >= 0 || commandparsed.toLowerCase().indexOf("-v") >= 0 ) {
            var weight = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000) + 10;
            console.log("║".blue + logo + " @ ".green.bold + "CALL".white.bold + " │".blue + " VOTE".white.bold + " from @" + parentAuthor + " on Block #" + blockprocesscommnum);
            qv.enqueue(confirmvote(op["parent_author"], op["parent_permlink"], weight, "vote"));
        }; //END vote

While not the fanciest bit of code and certainly not the prettiest this above determines what sort of upvote you get. Now here's the fun part..!

Join The Development Experiment?

Testing to see without voting constraints how long it take for folks to drain the voting power in the account given the code viewed above. To join the experiment all you must do is go and use the @tippy vote on posts you like (preferably avoiding a self upvoting circlejerk) as much as you want.

Given the experimental nature of the @tippy project and the fact it's currently under R&D the service may be unavailable, bugged, glitched or heavens knows what else and I assume no responsibility for whatever crazy shenanigans the bot pulls while in alpha testing.

On a side note old balances from before the laptop to workstation move have been re-enabled.. If you had a tippy balance before you may have it back now.. A friendly reminder to not deposit more to the bot than you are willing to write off as test/play/donation funds..!

Observations Thus Far

  • Seems collisions of upvote calls in the same block error out one!
  • Profile not switching to offline mode on shutdown..

Thanks for helping me test Tippy! Enjoy the upvotes!

No need to vote this post with tippy! Thank you though!

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