Tipper - Decentralization of the Social Media Platform (ICO)

About Tipper


Tipper is a social networking company based on an overproduction that has decided to create its own unique platform where users can monetize the content they create and receive money when many other users see and evaluate it. If you produce content and want to show it to the world, but are not sure what people will pay for it, this platform may be the best idea for you to make money with your ideas and projects.

 In other words, this is the first decentralized social networking platform created with two-way monetization. The next-generation social network balances the principle of monetization, so the use of the site is beneficial to everyone from ordinary users to advertisers themselves.

Social networks despite their widespread adoption and use have only benefited the social media platform that the site develops and have not benefited the user who spends a good number of hours using the sites, but uses the data of users to accumulate a great deal of wealth without inclining the users of the platform, force users to see advertising that does not interest them and most of the time the platform even charges users for using some functions.

But what about having a social network where you can generate income by doing what you love? publishing, commenting, I like / raise the vote. A social network where you can publish your income on your wall? A social network where every comment, "I like", "above" will represent an income for you? A social network where your content represents an income for you? A social network you love?

Tipper's main purpose is to use a great deal of human energy, time and resources to create an economic ecosystem where everyone has the opportunity to monetize at all levels in one place. With this Tippe we start the next paradigm of social networks. We spent the last decade controlling the circulation of digital content, now is the time to master the art of distributing digital wealth. This is the fundamental way of life that occupies most of human life. The enormous amount of energy and human resources entering social networks, creativity, energy and money is greatly under-utilized and can be used for something much larger. This enormous energy is put into social networks, it must be transformed into economic opportunity.


How does it work?

Tipper, using blockchain technology, creates a new peer-to-peer launch ecosystem that supports two-way monetization. This new system will bring benefits to content creators, common users and advertisers who join the platform.

One of the main systems that will use this platform to put the plan into action is the tip culture. Through this tipping function, users can support each other by tilting each other's publications. I like them" are not just icons of appreciation, as those icons can be turned into tips. You can read the rest of the explanation of how this culture of suggestions will benefit you in the white paper.

So, this platform also allows each user to be a content creator. Each user's publication can become a source of income.

Actually, the tip culture is just one of the pillars of this platform. There are three more pillars that will benefit Tipper Platform users: content investment, monetization and branding tips.

As you read the white paper, you can see how these four pillars make Tipper Platform a revolutionary economic and social system.

Fundamental Pillars of the Platform


1.- Tip Model


This platform not only generates revenue with certain standards, but now there is no limit to what you can get at the post office, opens an unprecedented Pandora promotional box and notifies all new meanings. As mentioned, I like' people have been given advice in this new social economy so that all users can monetise their presence on social networks in a direct and inclusive way. "I like it", "Vote" and "Views" limit the output to express appreciation, which represents an unforeseen opportunity to monetize the Social Push media with all its skills, creativity and energy for countless users. But the tip is unlimited, due to the variety of human feelings and feelings. The more users who stimulate the social economy by giving advice to other users


2.- Contents

Content Tipper will be the first Market Market Content in the world in which all users can invest and retrieve content from anyone. For the first time, Tipper presented the world of Content Investing creation ™.


3.- Momentization


Have a good time. Have fun. The moment that binds millions will produce millions. Momentisasi Suggestion If the world we live in is full of exciting and unforgettable moments that we share and celebrate together. The winning goal of the game, which makes the story acting. Well, for the first time, the moment that binds millions will produce millions. Tipper now allows the creator of this moment and the people who celebrate it to pick it up by letting the user have a tip lately. Currently, it will be used to raise funds to acquire assets that generate income for the community. Revenue based on the impulse will flow back into the "Social Economy of Tipper", for peer-to-peer circulation. A new era of Community funding at the service of the Community.


4.- Advertising model

Tipper tries to monetize each user so that users can grow. That's why 100% of all advertising revenue goes to the Tipper platform, which is targeted at users, where it must be delivered. This revolutionary incentive is designed to stimulate Tipper's social economy as billions of dollars of advertising are disseminated. This is made possible by the low cost of Tipper's remote network.

About Token and ICO


Token symbol: TIPR.

ICO period: 1 March to 31 March 2018

Type: ERC-20;

TIPR token price: 4000 TIPR = 1 ETH;

Total number of tokens: 700 million TIPR;

Soft Cap: $15 million.

Hard Cap: $50 million.




Roomi Sahi - Co-founder and CTO

Saroop Sahi - Co-founder and CEO

Bazid Sahi - Co-founder and CMO

in addition to Tipper's team and advisors




Website: https://www.tippereconomy.io 

Whitepaper: https://www.tippereconomy.io/Documents/TIPPER_WHITEPAPER_DRAFT_1.pdf 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/tippereconomy 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com / tippereconomy 

Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/HjnmdhAb4dOBxP8eaiNmoA


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