Incredible Tipit Campaigns lets you tip STEEMp NDX EOS SAND WEEDCASH or APX and more to anyone on twitter AUTOMATICALLY who retweets or comments

image.png now here we go I can mass produce this promo work that was very tiem consuming.

come here to get access to bigger versions of these giveaways ot

thanks to ferrdoid @hellotelos @citimillz for all the help promoting EOSTEEM Steem on EOS and TELOSTEEM steem on telos

@adrilanz16 made this , sent to me by @citimillz


Steem is such a great community and I am so honored to have my own school of fish to take care of

I feel I did great for starting from scratch. And, if I start writing essays and proposals, i could secure the funding for EOSTEEm and TELOSTEEM dapps as easy as my steem posts.

hell yeah

source (13).gif

earn more steem here

Want REAL governance and not just giveaways? What if we had a Nitrous Site for GIVEAWAYS? What if we had a website called ? We do and i need to finish it

ALSO ALL Crypto News can soon be posted under hashtag #news with hybrid community features soon to come to combine tribes and communities, one possibility is to simply set your hashtag to your community hashtag lol @eonwarped

I really want to see people using Unstoppable DOmains and Unstoppable Websites

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