Tin Foil Raps - What's TRUTH?

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How can I ever know if this Earth is flat or round?
Why no other shape was ever talked or found?
I love all the arguments the flat-earthers make ,
Counter arguments, debunking these too are great.
But to me, both of them seem false and fake.
Viewing things from limited perspectives will always draw flak
You need to consider all the possible infinite dimensions,
Only that can reveal the absolute reality, pulling all curtains

So do you still believe that man landed on the moon?
Or was that news fed to you with an invisible spoon?
How can you see a shadow on moon at noon?
Or the shadows splitting in different directions?
There could be some truth in space and lunar missions
But public money is spent in billions for such actions
Some money is certainly spent in our explorations to reach moon
But major chunk of it could be a scam, helping Bitcoin to moon!

What's TRUTH? It’s not just your perception or a momentary abstraction.
Truth could be just a figment of your own imagination.
How people are brainwashed, let me give it a try.
Trust me ...believe me, even this life is a lie.
You are already dead, so no one will ever die!
You’ve been brainwashed to believe that you are alive.
'Coz, if you don’t believe that you are alive,
How will all the business in this world thrive?


This is an entry for @v4vapid's Tin Foil Raps - A Paranoid Rhymes Contest

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