
Kue Timpan is one of the traditional cakes originating from the Aceh region. This one cake includes the type of wet cake made from the basic ingredients of sticky rice and plantains. Inside there are usually various content variants such as grated coconut or srikaya. This timpan cake is one of the traditional foods that is quite famous in Aceh, and is often served as the main menu during holidays.

In the manufacturing process, you must first make sticky rice and banana mixture first. To make it, coconut milk, bananas, and cooked sticky rice flour. Then add sugar and salt little by little and stir gently until cooked. Then chill for a while. After cooling, the mixture is then rolled or rolled into one. Then after making the dough it is finished, followed by making the contents of the Save Cake. For grated coconut and srikaya contents, it is usually done in a slightly different way and in accordance with the ingredients of each.


After the dough and fill are ready, then proceed with making a Save Cake. To make it, banana leaves are spread over the top and put a spoonful of sticky dough on top. After that, give the contents to store enough, and roll the mixture until the contents are stored covered in dough. Then wrap the mixture with banana leaves and steam until cooked.



The processing above is only a little description of how to process stored cakes. So for those of you who want to make it yourself, you can look for recipes that are more detailed and more in accordance with your wishes.


This timpan cake is one of the traditional foods that is quite famous in the Aceh region. Basically, this cake is only specially served during holidays by the people of Aceh. But for those of you who travel there and want to enjoy it, you can immediately look for it in the gift shop that is there.

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