Have you met me yet? Tim Ferriss

Tim Ferriss is a contemporary author with well known titles and a rolodex that includes superstar athletes, business executives of Fortune 500 hundred companies, Politicians, and power house investors.

Why should I know Tim Ferriss?

I've known about his books for a while. I think they are cool, but his hard core fans really live by them. If anything I think he can teach people how to maximize the efficiency of their time and provide life lessons that help them stockpile resources. These are two critical things in the life of people seeking greater truth in the world. You need your work time to be efficienct so you can get on with the other pursuits in your life. You also need a healthy body as life get's pretty hard when you're out of shape, constantly sick, or mentally unwell.

The lessons in Tools of Titans continue to nudge me forward!

Some of the lessons that are in that book are amazing. What's amazing to me I'm pretty sure will be different from what you find amazing, but I"m confidant you'll find gems in this book that will change your thought process.

There are business lessons.
There are life lessons.
There are deeply personal experiences.
There are financial suggestions.

I find that as I'm working on different aspects of my life and continue reading and rereading sections I come across the right section that applies to a situation I'm currently in.

It can apply and be about you

All the stories are coming from very successful people, but I think a main take away for me was that many weren't born as an off-the-shelf success. Folks had to train and work at it. If you're not feeling successful or happy about your life right now realize it's not a death sentence. You can change that and if you can spare $20 to get this book and read some stories you might find some guidance.

Namaste and good luck!

A selection of his best known creations

The 4-Hour Work Week
The 4-Hour Body
The 4-Hour Chef
Tools of Titans

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