Time is actually relative, flexible and its existence it's only in our beliefs​!

Time is actually relative, and flexible and, according to Albert Einstein himself:

"the dividing line between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion".

Yes, I totally agree with him and not because he was a genius, but only because I believe that time is just an illusion and according to @the-future:

time might be the best killer ever, but only if you believe in its existence!
Now, I'm a genius too, no I'm more than a genius, I'm a special genius because I believe it, and in the moment more people believe this, in that moment you might start to believe it too. I think and I really believe that every person on this planet is a genius or at least special, but, we tend to forget this because we are too busy to do thinks that are irrelevant for a good living.

How Albert Einstein became a genius?

A lot of people will say that he was born a genius and I agree with that because we all are born as geniuses because every single person on this planet has special skills and, to sharp those skills, we have to practice a lot. This is what Einstein did all his life, even when a lot of people believed that he was crazy, (but only because people couldn't understand him), he hasn't stopped and continued to do what he really believed.

In the moment when people start to understand him, they also start to believe him and this is how he became a known genius. I know that there are a lot of people who will say that he invented a lot of stuff and said a lot of great things, but you don't have to invent anything to become a genius, you only have to make people believe what you say or do is real.

Since we are on Steemit, let's take, for example, Dan and Ned the creators of this amazing platform, they are geniuses for me now, but at the beginning, they were not because I didn't understand how this platform works and is hard to believe something that you don't understand. I think that are a lot of people who were in the same position as I was, and there will be a lot them in the same position when they will discover Steemit, but in the moment they will understand it, they will believe that Dan and Ned are geniuses.

To be a genius you need people to believe that because you can be the best inventor of all times if people believes otherwise.

Why time might be the best killer ever?

Since you were born, time is the number one enemy and if nothing kills you during your life, in the end, ​time will do it and you can't stop that. Everything we know, everything we love or we create will not last forever because time will take care of it. But, in my opinion, time doesn't exist and I'm not saying this to be different or to become a genius, but because I think that time is an invention and was created by people, to have a better understanding of their lives.

I mean is it really necessary​ to know every second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year of our life to really understand the course of our life?

The course of every single person on this planet is the same, and he needs​ to do only 3 things: to live, to love and die. I think that is very simple, but, we as human beings, we like to complicate things even if is not necessary to do so. If we take for example a flower or a tree, they came to light, live and in the end dies, but during their life, they live at the highest potential because that's the course they follow, and this is happening because they don't perceive​ time.

Think about what we could do, if we could eliminate the time of our lives. To not worry about that tomorrow you have to wake up and go to work or to not worry that you are late to an important meeting, or anything that is tight to time. Just living the life and follow its course like a flower or a tree does.

In my opinion, time might not exist?

We all know that time exists and is hard or maybe impossible​ to erase time from people's mind because we perceive time and see it everywhere. You see time on your watch, on your phone, on your computer and the most times you can see it on people. Yes, you can see it on people because they are always in a constant rush at every moment of the day or night.

So, if I see it everywhere how can I say that time might not exist?

I think that time exist only because we all believe that ​and we can change it only if we don't believe it anymore, and we start to follow the course of our lives​ like a flower. The existence of everything is it only in our beliefs​.

I think that time exist only because there is someone like us to perceive it, and in the moment that there is nobody left to perceive time, there is nothing else.

What do you think?
Do you believe that you are also a genius or at least special?
What about time?
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