Time And Beauty.


Generally, Time and beauty don't remain same. As time is passing beauty will turn into ugly. All have to be old one day. No one is bad, time make them be bad.

Time and beauty are complicated to understand. All the things will be beautiful if you love it. If you don't love it, then, however, it seems to be beautiful you won't look at that things. Time plays an important role in all people's lives. All the beauty will be collapsed one day.

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According to Sarah Dessen, "There comes a time when the world gets quiet and the only thing left is your own heart. So, you'd better learn the sound of it. Otherwise, you'll never understand what it's saying.

Beauty is not only having a pretty face because it will turn into ugly as time pass. Beauty is about having a kind heart.

Hence, Beauty lies in eyes and heart of a people. Time and beauty don't remain same for a lifetime.

Image Source:- Google Image

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