Time Management – Burnout Recovery

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Time Management – Burnout Recovery

I have mentioned many times about the importance of taking care of your time because it is the only resource we can’t get more of no matter what, but even if I have a deep understanding of this whole concept, I never realized how significant even 30 minutes could be.

I never consistently wasted tremendous amounts of time, but I do lose some time now and then, but even that small fraction has enormous importance. It’s not even waste at the level the average people do, just that I could invest that time in things of more significant concern.

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Last Friday I had to attend a party and to get there in time I had to finish all of my work quickly. As soon as I got home, I started working, but somehow even under theoretical pressure I still wasted about an hour. I barely had enough time to finish this post, get ready and get out the door. I was on a complete run, and I almost fucked everything up. If I would’ve had even an hour, I could’ve easily made that post better, and because I was on the run, I didn’t get to reread it and double check for mistakes.

Another time I was working with @anomadsoul on the Sndbox Summer Camp post, but we didn’t manage to get it out that day because we had to wait for confirmation, so I waited until about 1 am. Because I wasted too much time throughout the day, I didn’t get to write any backup post, so I have missed that posting day, slept late and missed the train in the morning because of oversleeping. All that could’ve been avoided if I would’ve managed my time even a little bit better.

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Wasting Time

But, there’s a solution to all that I mentioned above, there are still many ways I can save up some time.

For example, I waste somewhere between ten and twenty hours a week on classes that I don’t give a fuck about. I realized that I could at least take advantage of some of those hours and get some work done in that time, so it’s not a complete waste. Because of that, I am writing this very post on paper with a pen in class, and if I can keep on doing this, I would be able to write at least three to five posts a week being away from home. That would result in a lot of spare time for me back at home since I would only have to copy and edit the posts, time that I could invest in the projects I’m already involved in and the future initiatives that will require more time from me.

Also, I noticed that on weekends I waste more time than I do on work days only because I have more free time and the illusion that I don’t have to hurry that much. I often find myself watching Youtube clips in weekends; they could, of course, spark some imagination and ideas as they did many times before but, on the short term I could invest it on more urgent tasks.

On work days I can’t afford to do that because as soon as I get home, I start working until I pass out to sleep at around midnight. I suppose that happens because of oversleeping since sometimes I sleep even 10 hours on weekends, but if I would wake up at 8 am, then I would be fresher and have even more time to get shit done and dominate my day.

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I used to work a lot more in the beginning, but of course, I have more tasks now that require more time. Also, because things got better on Steem for me now, I took it a bit easier, but that was a massive mistake because I still have to push since I’m still not where I want to be.

I had a burnout about a week or two ago, and I’m slightly recovered from that, but I’m still way behind with my work. With so many things going on at the same time, me joining new projects and those that I’m already part of evolving quickly it’s harder to keep up with everything.

Also, I’m going to brainstorm a little more on this and come up with some other ways, so I can make the most out of my spare time and get all of my work ready by 10 pm. That way I can maybe wake up at 5 am after 7 hours of sleep so I can still get an hour of work done in the morning because that would be perfect. I usually wake up at 5:30 am, after 5-6 hours of sleep and I barely get out of the bed because I’m too tired, but I want to fix that and make the most out of my time.

I will keep you updated on how everything’s working.

The pictures are from Pixabay: 1, 2, 3.



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