Don't Snooze... Wake up already!

time-2743994__480.jpgBack when I was a 9to5 dude, I was friendly with the alarm clocks 🕒 . I had one set on my phone, and one set on my table clock.
I had to set it cos I do not want to be late for work. There are consequences if you go late to work and no one should be late for work.

When the alarm rings, there is this moment we snooze. Yeah, we snooze and try to catch some few minutes of sleep. If it has happened ed to you, you will agree to this- "snoozing has a way of making you go late to work."
There were times I snoozed thinking I was going to get some needed rest only to wake up later than I planned. I did snooze lots of time in those days.

Same thing applies to life. We snooze when we are supposed to be awake and about our duties. Snoozing is a lazy way of saying I just need a minute to procrastinate more.
There is a saying that, "you snooze, you loose."

"Snoozing is procrastination. Snoozing is fear mongering. Snoozing is a lazy man's way of saying, I need to think some more."
Doing the needful as at when due is key to productivity and win.
We are known to be snoozers of the highest and we have all snoozed at one point in our lives. Some are still snoozing and will snooze till the batteries of the alarm clock of their lives die out.

We are on a clock no matter how we look at it. We are timed to prime, and priming is required of us since there is a timing we live by.

I Feel Blessed!

How not to Snooze.

  • Wake up on the first buzz and stand up. This is to me, the only way to go about it. When the alarm sounds, you are expected to just get the hell up and start about your day. It may be slow and tiring, but you have you get up.
    When you snooze, there is a likely hood you will loose.

I believe there is only one way not to snooze, and that is not snoozing. Don't even consider it.
Snoozing is procrastination in real life and to succeed, you must not procrastinate.
We are formed in different ways and must make sure we function as our strength permits.

We mustn't snooze because, we slept through the night for say, 6 hours?
What kind of sleep do you think you can get in 5 minutes that will make the 6hours of sleep unimportant?
Know you will have to stand at the first buzz will help you start out fast. You may feel weak and drowsy, but it matters that you stood and ready to tackle the day.
When the alarm sounds and you snooze, you are trying to pause time and no one has and no one can pause time.

You may succeed in pausing time, but, just for you alone and that is when you loose because you snoozed.

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Image source: Pixabay

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