imageTime is a dispensation of moments. Everything done on earth is in relation with time, and understanding the concept of 'time' and 'timing' is very essential to live a successful life.

Although time is a scalar quantity having dimension but no direction in relation to Physics, but in actual sense, not having a good sense in valuing our time can make you lose direction and even taunt one's dream.

There's a time to do everything under the heaven, doing the right thing at the wrong time is the biggest reason for lateness, poor diet, poor financial management, poor performance in academics and several failures. From education to marital affairs and other affairs of life, if you disregard the importance of proper timing, be ready for a great dilemma.

Make hay when the sun shines, because the hay may remain just a stubble without any value. If you can do your best as from today to value your time,you are on the highway to excellence.

Time management is one of the greatest component of Self discipline. If you impose a disciplinary measure on yourself without time management, it will be a total waste. We can encourage yourself from today to value every second, every minute and before you know every hour,day, week and month will be of great value to you.

The following tips will help you in managing your time:

  1. Set Goals: Goals are declarations of anticipated achievements with time. Setting daily goals even hourly goals will gear you up to make the best use of your life.

  2. Treat time as a scarce commodity: in the real sense, there is no time, time is costlier than money because once lost, it cannot be recovered and there's limited seconds, minutes, hours in a day. Likewise, the opportunities we miss in a day may never be retrieved. So, we have to give our best to managing our time...

  3. See time as an investment: investing time is nonnegotiable if you want to be successful, because there's no success without preparation...investing your time involves reading books, exploring the world by acquiring more knowledge and skills. Investment of time is very profitable if it is targeted towards your passion or what will bring you fulfilment.

  4. Have Fun but cut all distractions: Any activities that reduce your potentials or chance of living a successful life is a distraction. Having fun is great as it makes life enjoyable and helps in relaxing ourselves from stress and pressures. But having fun must be with caution lest it leads to wasting time which is a very scarce resource.

My dear, you can start making the best use of your life today before you put it in heart to value your time and value it by investing each minutes and seconds into a profitable results!!

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