Tim Cook's view of technologies that harm children


Apple's General Manager, Apple Tim Cook, said the future is not just technology, and kids have no place in social networks.

He heads one of the world's most technological corporations, and yet believes he has more important things than progress.

I do not believe that ubiquitous use of technology will benefit. I do not think all of our achievements can be justified by that, Cook says.

His view is that technology should not dominate, even when it comes to education and study of courses directly related to a computer such as graphic design.

In our world so far there are things people want to discuss and understand. For example, are the modern technologies used in the course of literature? I think not, Cook thinks.

In January 2018, Apple responded to a message from investors and promised to strengthen parental control over iOS. Tim Cook explains this:

I have no children but I have a nephew. And I'm firm in respecting certain rules, there are things that I would not allow. I do not want my nephew and his peers to be on social networks, he says.

Apple's fans are well-known Cook's attitude to such services. Earlier, the head of the corporation expressed his dissatisfaction with the social network Snapchat. He said he was too old and did not understand.

Many users are convinced that Tim Cook has personally blocked the app in the App Store. In fact, however, the problem is completely technological, and the program's operational capability has been restored within a few hours.

Such accusations, however, may not be groundless. There are some disagreements between Tim Cook and Snapchat CEO Evan Spiegel.

For example, in 2015, prior to the WWDC developer confederation, they had a dispute over the role of diversity in the company's success. Henceforth, there are serious conflicts between the leaders of the two corporations.

image source - Instagram

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