Poetry: B R E A K F R E E (Unchained)

B r e a k F r e e
by @queenie48

You, who have waited.
Who have fought.
Who have lived.
While walking on the edge of emptiness.
Thank you for being strong all this long.
Stay still, you still have to travel,
This unfair, cruel world.
It doesn't matter what's upon,
Just stand firm and raise your head.
You can do this, you got this!

So break free!
Breathe deep, muster up the courage.
Tell the world you can!
Decline the dirt they're handing.
Reject, say no.
Til then, you will grow.
On your own, strong roots.

And these words, I whisper,
To the girl in the mirror.
May it reach your soul,
Though we're only an inch away.

Be inspired.

Words and photo by @queenie48

Thank you for reading, I hope you like it :)
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