Today I Learned About Self Authoring

Yesterday night, I stumbled upon an interesting video in my newsfeed. It was an interview on the Joe Rogan Show with Jordan B Peterson. Jordan is a doctor in clinical psychology and teacher at the University of Toronto who got quite famous for his stand against compelled speech" as outline in the Canadian Bill C-16. This bill is now law and mandates people to address people by their preferred gender neutral pronoun .

I wasn't expecting what I listened to

In went deep into the mind of ideologues, totalitarian mindset, free speech, religion and the very nature of the human experience. It was by far one of the best interview I've listened to in a long time.

"Many people do not understand who they are, where they are and where they are going"

One thing that stood out to me is the program he developed called Self Authoring. From my research, it is one of the few programs out there developed by clinical psychologists that significantly improve people's life psychologically and physiologically. It uses writing as a therapeutic tool to make sense of our past, present and future.

Basically, by taking complex events and putting them into words through writing, it helps bring the experiences that are hosted in the reptilian part of the brain (fight or flight) to the area of the brain that deals with details comprehension and understanding. Once those memories have been dealt with, the research shows that the level of cortisol in the body drops. Cortisol is intimately related to the process of aging.

One thing that he said that hit me like a ton of brick was this line:

If you have a memory that is holder than 18 months old and that every time you think about it, you have an emotional is a sure sign that whatever that is, you are still holding on to it or haven't dealt with it completly...and you should go back and examine it to deal with it cognitively.

Your memory is not there to keep an objective timeline of past events! Your memory is there to draw wisdom from the experience of the past to make better choices in the future.

I'm sure you know people in your life who literally live in the past, as if there soul were trapped in a story that keeps on repeating itself.

Here is the video that explains it better than I could myself:


A Two For One I Couldn't Say No To...

So my interest was peaked and decided to buy the thing. I wasn't expecting to hit a 2 for 1 on their website at a ridiculous price of $29.99. This thing is massively undervalued and could easily be sold for thousands of dollars (good thing they are not marketers). I'm afraid some people might undervalue the real value of such program because of the ticket price and not give it the full attention it deserves...which is what research show when it comes to information products online.


Listen to that podcast for a massive "mindblow" and breathtaking discussion.

Steem On!

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