TIL that 100,000 people have already signed up to colonize Mars in 2022

By now, most of us have probably heard of Elon Musk's and Space X's Mission to colonize Mars. 

Musk's Company is already working on solutions to take people there, and along with them thousans of tons of supplies - building material, seeds etc. Everything they need to start a colonization on Mars and build a nw world there.

This is because the Earth will soon become inhabitable, as Musk suggested, and humanity had to find an alternate living space. 

Today, I've come across the fact that 100,000 people have already signed up for a ONE WAY trip to mars in 2022. 

Isn't that crazy?! 

First of all, 2022 is not even that far away. 

I can't really imagine technology advancing that far in just a few years, to make such a huge mission possible?

And secondly, why would people *already* decide to sign up for such a risky mission, when the details are still totally in the blue yet.

I mean, I'm also excited that humans might soon live on different planets and that they want to realize a project that's as ambitious as this Mars Mission... 

But I definitely wouldn't want to be among the first people that goes there.

Afterall, it's still the first try, so who knows what might go wrong.

Even Elon Musk himself said that he won't be joining that very first colonization trip, because he wants to experience his kids growing up on earth.

Would YOU join the very first Mars colonizing mission in 2022 ?

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