The linkedin competitor is doing a token sale: (has some good applications)

I found on twitter someone talking about a crypto LinkedIn and I did some research about it. The main point of my article is to do a quick review of the project and aim to look it more deeply.
Literally the platform is: "a business platform with for finding and establishing professional relationships based on irrefutable rating system and for transacting safe deals", where users always have a personal rating based on the reliability of the documents and information they provide when they do the registration and change when the user interacts and perform different actions in the platform. All of this is based on Ties.Db a new database created by them.


In one phrase: it's a decentralized database that uses blockchain technology and uses smart contracts that supports files with a size smaller than 20 Mb. Main points:

  • Is decentralized and the database is public
  • Users are identified by their public key
  • Only the owner can change the record

Use cases

  • For these people who love everything that is related with blockchain, cryptocurrencies or something about new technology
  • For individuals who want to be anonymous for some reason: they want to apply for a new job without noticing their boss but at the same time they want to be trusted, for new startups which need to hire people without noticing anyone else ( competitors, social media ...)
  • For individuals searching for a job.
  • For businesses searching someone to invest in their project or someone to hire, which they can know for sure that has the skills/experience to accomplish what they want. PROS

  • The company is going to be huge. 200 staff members in 2 years as it's said in their business overview.
  • A realistic Hard max cap: $33.600.000 Valuing the project at that price is a bit more than what I think it could be exactly now ( at their token generation event) but it's low if the investment is for 1 year or more time from now.
  • The software is open source and is scalable.
  • Smart contract Dapps using the ties.DB or BigchainDB. The possibilities for developers to use those databases are really extensive
  • Strong marketing campaign since the first day. A high percentage of the money founded selling the tokens will be used for that purpose. Exactly 31% will be for that, which in dollars is $10.230.000
  • The roadmap, what is stated there is a challenge but it's possible.Remark that the full decentralization and DB beta launch and Ties.Db Marketing campaign will be available in Q4 2018.
  • We could see the platform as a LinkedIn for cryptos, and at least it will remain like that for the first 2-3 years before the marketing and the same users will attract more average users.
  • A rating system that promises to be transparent and reliable because each rating will be backed by their user track.
  • Easy to start: I only had to download the prototype and choose a password for creating my wallet ( at least now works like that) CONS

  • Not necessarily but as I see it all the ties network users will already have a LinkedIn account so the users should decide between more connections ( Linkedin) and a new and promising platform but with less possible connections.
  • As I said before the project could be seen as a LinkedIn for cryptos which means fewer users.
  • What are the incentives for the people like Vitalik Buterin to join the platform?
  • (this one could be a PRO) Tries to achieve lots of things: professional platform, fast and reliable database, wants to grow at a high rate.


Alexander Neymark: is the Founder and actual CEO. Who has worked for and is the CEO of Krawlly.
Dmitry Kochin: Who is the founder and CTO. Has worked for Infra Telesystems, Haddan, LeaderMt and is actually the CTO of Krawlly
Anton Filatov: is the head of Software Development
Natalia Tokar: is the business Development Partner
Sergey Mukhanov: is the head of Product Management
Nicola Marangoni: is the Java developer and Big Data Expert
Hendry Rodriguez, Rodrigo Acosta and Ivan Vyatkin are the software developers.
The web page where some of the team members already work the Krawlly site:


Alex Bausch Advisor:Co-Chairman Blockchain Ecosystem Network,
Khelin Young
Issac Lee
Julia Plavnik Advisor Expert at crowdfunding and blockchain promoter
Aaron Schwartz:Expert at education and Science
Marcel Schlatter:Technical advisor
Wulf Kaal:PR and Social Outreach
Ian M. Worrall Advisor: Finance and Security expert

Participating in the ICO, yes or no?

  • First learn about the project: the most important thing about investing in ICOS is doing your own research but in my point of view this is a project to take into account.
  • This could be a good point or a bad point for some of you but this is not a project that will make you rich some weeks after the token sale but it has targeted its possible users and it could work in a real environment. Is true that there are lots of other projects more profitable in the short term if you want to make money but this has less investment risk (I remark that this is my point of view). We could say this is more a long term project.
  • There is a 20% bonus now for the first 10% tokens sold and it will be decreasing for every 10% of total tokens sold. So if you want to buy try to get the discount. The ICO is starting on 21. Sept 2017 and it will be open until 12.Oct 2017 if the tokens are not sold before that date.
  • Investing $1000 (depending on the bonus) will mean a 0.0029% of all the tokens at the actual 20%bonus.

Example: for what I will use it?

  • As some of you know I really love new projects and new technology, token sales and everything related with blockchain but sometimes I have problems trusting some projects: the project is aiming to much and the background of the team is shady or others that could be a scam. For that reason, I see this project to be suitable for me, the next time when I wanted to enter into a new project I will be able to search for their names, their project, and the most important thing their ratings
  • The other use I'm going to give is to avoid shady recruiters who promise a good job but then nothing is like you signed the contract
  • I will also use it to search for professional details about people I met or those who will have a meeting with me. Now I mainly use LinkedIn for that, is always better to know something about your partners/ competitors to know what they can or cannot offer you.

If you are the average internet user

  • If you use Facebook, Instagram or Whatsapp daily and you have heard something in the news about bitcoin but you don't know what it is except that it could be a bubble and is used by criminals to buy drugs and blackmail people but you have also heard something about the revolution it's expected to produce its technology and the bitcoin itself this is your opportunity to participate in the blockchain revolution without investing any of your valued money. This is one of the easiest ways to do your first approach.
  • Why don't you give it a try? Probably you are also using Linkedin and wherever you are doing there ( searching for a job, hiring people or watching how your industry evolves) it can also be done in and can apport you other and different things
  • Is not too difficult to create your account. Now you have to download it but I think in the future will be some way to access it through your browser. From my point of view without counting the installation, it is easier than registering in LinkedIn.

My final conclusion and thoughts

There's space in the market for a solution like this, even though I don't really see it as a LinkedIn competitor because it could be the perfect complement to it. We could see LinkedIn as the place where everyone has their CV and as the place where you can build TRUST and share more important and confidential information with your employer, a startup, and local businesses.
We have recently seen something similar with Steemit and similar platforms: Medium, Reedit, Quora, Bitcointalk ... everyone has its functionality and is the perfect solution for a specific problem. And like this, I see the future of the project.
The good thing is all the crypto lovers will at least try ( meaning they will create an account on the platform), this means small users by absolute numbers but very interactive and participating people. We can see a similar thing in the web page where people can contact you for a determined price and I dare to say that most people come from bitcoin and blockchain backgrounds.
Below I leave you the most useful links to learn more about the project and if you are participating in the token generation event check the legal terms in your country.

As always, thanks for reading my post.And upvoted if you liked. This helps me to know what you like to see on my blog

Useful links:
Project website:
Project blog:
The Cointelegraph article:
Youtube channel:
Twitter account:
Telegram group:
LinkedIn webpage:
Slack link to join:

All the information above is only my opinion and is not an advice, for more information visit their website.And always do your own research

All the pictures are from

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