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Thunkgaria - Holybread Grows Up a Bit

Maybe you've heard that @simplegame was planning to redo @holybread. One of the biggest changes is that it will be a game first, and a blockchain game second. This is critically necessary to blockchain games! They need to stand on their own as a game AND THEN have some blockchainy goodness. This latest iteration, season 0 of Thunkgaria, appears to be the MVP (minimum viable product) for @simplegame's vision. Currently, it has no connection to the Hive blockchain (although there are Hive rewards @simplegame/thunkgaria-season-zero-hive-payouts)

When visiting, you're prompted to create an account - not a crypto account. Not a set of keys. Just a normal username and password. This is what average users expect and need!

Once signed in, there are a few options available. Camp is for setting lineups and equipping heroes. Tavern is for recruiting new heroes. Arena is the PvP fighting element. Dungeon is really what I consider the heart of the game

The idle game that was Holybread now serves as the basis for a dungeon crawler! Instead of "Pick a mission and come back in 5-15 minutes" we can choose a dungeon and get to work clearing it of baddies.

Fight baddies, get drops, equip heroes, level up and assign stats. There are many, many details to building heroes, but not every little thing needs to be understood to enjoy the game. Personally, I crawl dungeons and equip items when the numbers seem bigger 😆

This is the foundation of the new game. It is far more flexible than Holybread was (new dungeons will be appearing regularly), and allows for some fun things like events. Just a few days ago, I won a new outfit for one of my bards by hunting turkeys in the forest!

Thunkgaria has plenty of updates coming, but if you enjoy Hive gaming or dungeon crawlers, I encourage you to get started now

Y'all have good