Thunkgaria Season Zero Hive Payouts


Now that our Turkey Hunt event has ended.
You can read about that here:

It is time to announce our Hive Payout structure for Season Zero.

As many of you know the marketplace is set to launch with Season 1, where you can buy and sell your items for HIVE (kind of like how Holybread does it but not the same)

So one of the reasons to play Season Zero is to receive Hive payouts.
We will be doing weekly payouts on Sundays over the next 4 weeks.

These will be based on Your Arena Standing (PvP)
the payouts will be as follows:

1st Place - 40 HP
2nd Place - 20 HP
3rd Place - 10 HP
4th Place - 5 HP
5th - 10th Place : 2 HP
11th - 25th Place : 1 HP
26th Place - 50th Place: 0.5 HP

We will be putting up a post on our website with a form for you to fill out if your Thunkgaria game name does not match your Hive username.
or even if you want your rewards sent to someone else (as a holiday gift??)
On this form you can tell us what account to send your weekly rewards to.

This is just for Season Zero.
So go out and Fight!!!

Also we have now teamed up with Ledger. So if you are thinking about buying one this Holiday Season and would like to support the work we do.
Please use our link:

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