Jeffrey Esptein Involved in Gov. Mind Control Ops? Courtney Love Connected?

After it was revealed recently that Courtney Love had spent time with Andrew Windsor, an alleged perpetrator in the case of industrial scale elitist child abuse and human trafficking that was ended prematurely by the death of Jeffrey Epstein while in his jail cell.. I decided to do some research. It wasn’t long before I found the work of others who had tied Courtney Love to MK Ultra CIA Mind Control programs and even her own Father described her as a psychopath who likely murdered her husband, rock star Kirt Cobain. There is a quote proclaiming to be from her father stating that she was one of Epstein’s handlers – though this is hearsay at this point.

In the process of researching this topic I came across a 1992 presentation by a well known Doctor of hypnosis research in America who spoke at length on deprogramming victims of the CIA and satanic mind control programs such as MK Ultra (I cleaned up the audio and reuploaded it here: ). Given that many whistleblowers and survivors have described such evil brainwashing programs occurring in remote locations and often involving females who have been abducted or even born into the programs and later killed – is it not likely that Jeffrey Epstein was in some way part of this kind of scheme? His Zorro ranch was perfectly located in New Mexico, directly on a known human trafficking route.

The evidence that was released from the Epstein case includes a receipt from Amazon for a book on programming sex slaves that was delivered to Epstein. Could it be that he knew just enough to be interested in replicating the work of others? Or was he directly involved in a deeper way?

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

#epstein #news #politics

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