Update Now - 3Speak.tv Mobile App v1.2.2


Greetings 3Speak Community Members,

Here's @sagarkothari88 with a new update for the 3Speak mobile app. We're releasing a new version of the Mobile app for both iOS & Android users. Please find the release notes listed below.

What's New in Release 1.2.2?

Back Button on Video Details Page

  • Back button to go back to the previous screen from Video-details.
  • Users find it difficult to go back.


Full-Screen button with the video player

  • The user finds it hard to find the full-screen button.
  • We've moved the full-screen button above the video player
  • Full-screen button is placed next to the back button


My Videos with username & thumbnail

  • It was difficult for users to determine which account they'd logged into.
  • Now, on the drawer menu, I've added a thumbnail of the user.
  • The Hive username is also displayed on the drawer.
  • With this, users will be able to identify the account that they are using


Visibility of the account you're using when uploading a video.

  • Username & thumbnail of the user is shown on the header.
  • This user will be able to know which account is being used for uploading video.


Visibility of the account you're using when posting the video.

  • Username & thumbnail of the user is shown on the header.
  • With this user will be able to know which account is being used for publishing the post.



Easily clear title & body

  • User finds it hard to clear the content of the title & body.
  • I've added a clear button next to both fields.
  • With this, the user can easily clear contents.


Better status view for each state of the video

Encoding state view


Video Ready to publish state view


Video published state view


Video encoding failed view


Hive Auth Changes suggested by @arcange

  • Tappable QR Code
  • @arcange suggested making QR codes tappable.
  • All action QR Codes are now tappable - login, upvote, comment, publish.

Suggestion by @weone

  • "Mention ur name and other contributors in the About section, not below the 3Speak logo."
  • Remove "App by sagarkothari88" from the drawer menu.
  • This suggestion is implemented.
  • Mention has been removed from the drawer menu.

Updates in Video Recommendations

  • ✅ List of Video Recommendations should be the same as Video Feeds
  • ✅ Video Recommendation - remove Views, Duration, Posted ago - as it's not currently available.

Feedback from @pob-curator

  • ✅ When I go to different videos, both videos are playing.
  • ✅ Can't find the back button

Feedback from @starkerz / Matt

  • ✅ Default Video Title & Video Description is difficult to select all & clear
  • ✅ I can't easily clear title & body of the video
  • ✅ I don't know from which account I'm uploading the video.
  • ✅ "Come back soon to publish your video" - message for "Encoding in process."

Feedback from @vaultec

  • ✅ Update - 3Speak App name - on Drawer Menu
  • ✅ Update publish app (post metadata) name to 3speak/0.3.0.

Important News:

Starting from 15-Jun-2023, uploaded videos, after processing is complete, will be published automatically (only if you've given the posting authority to 3Speak)

How to Download?

What's next?

  • AutoPosting
  • Full-Screen Button within The Mini Player - Research work
  • iPad / Tablet Support
  • Add a Share button on Video Details Page
  • Set beneficiaries
  • Set 50% HP or 100% HP or Decline rewards
  • and many more action items & feedback items

Feedback / Info

  • Do you want more Info? Please let me know via the comment section
  • Do you have feedback to share? Please use the comment section
  • Please check the above video & share feedback


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