Cluster rewarding node setup - Get rewarded for pinning 3Speak videos

Cluster Rewarding Node Setup


We are pleased to announce the release of the cluster rewarding system. Cluster rewarding is our side project to help reward IPFS storage before PoA rolls out on mainnet. Don't underestimate the power of it though! Cluster rewarding distributes votes out to participating node operators every day. This means liquid HIVE rewards being generated no different than any other blog post.

If you are just interested in setting up a node, please scroll down to the section labeled "the guide"

Why should I run a node?

Operating a node helps store more 3Speak videos redundantly

By operating a cluster rewarding node, participants contribute to the redundant storage of 3Speak videos, helping to ensure their availability even if 3Speak goes down. This helps to increase the resilience and reliability of the 3Speak network.

The cluster rewarding nodes contribute to the availability and redundancy of 3Speak videos by storing redundant copies of videos. This ensures that even if some nodes go offline or experience technical issues, there are multiple copies of the videos distributed across the network, increasing the overall availability and reliability of the content for users.

Helps desktop app users pin videos:

Cluster rewarding nodes play a crucial role in helping desktop app users to pin videos. When users pin a video, it ensures that the video is stored locally on their device, making it readily available for playback even when offline. Cluster rewarding nodes contribute to the availability of videos by storing redundant copies of videos, increasing the chances of videos being successfully pinned by desktop app users. This is especially important for 3rd world countries where the closeness of storage nodes makes a huge difference in performance.

Paving the way for the rollout of PoA mainnet

The cluster rewarding nodes contribute to the preparation for the rollout of the PoA mainnet by allowing people to predownload all of 3Speak IPFS content. IPFS is a distributed file system that allows content to be stored and retrieved in a decentralized manner. By predownloading 3Speak IPFS content, cluster rewarding nodes help in creating a distributed and redundant network of content storage, which plays an important role when PoA mainnet goes live.

Decentralization & Scaling

Cluster rewarding nodes play a vital role in supporting the decentralization and censorship resistance of the 3Speak network. By storing redundant copies of videos and contributing to the distribution of content across multiple nodes, cluster rewarding nodes reduce the risk of single points of failure and increase the resistance to censorship attempts.

The operation of cluster rewarding nodes contributes to the growth and scalability of 3Speak's infrastructure. By providing additional storage capacity, redundancy, and content distribution, cluster rewarding nodes help in accommodating the increasing demand for IPFS storage. This contributes to the network's ability to scale and handle larger volumes of content and users, ensuring its sustainability and long-term success.

Daily reports & Rewarding

Each cluster rewarding node generates daily a daily report that includes some basic stats about the storage nodes. Each report serves as a transparency measure, allowing network participants to monitor the performance of their nodes and ensure the integrity of the network. Our verification node will verify that report and distribute HIVE upvotes accordingly.

Rewards will take a period of time to be accurate. This is due to the rapidly changing statistics calculation during the days following initial node setup. After about 5-7 days rewards should start to stabilize. This does not mean rewards will stay constant, rewards are subject to external and internal factors such as competition, plus total node storage and uptime.

At present there are 3 100% upvote slots available. Meaning we will give out 3 upvotes with 100% reach. However, those 3 slots are competed for by other nodes. If a node only stores a small percentage of the network or fails verification checks, then smaller votes will be given out to the lower performing node. This is designed to force nodes to compete for network dominance by storing the most amount of data. Keep in mind this is subject to change as we make adjustments to the rewarding process.

As part of the verification process, a DHT (Distributed Hash Table) search verification check is performed by our verification node. If 25% of the expected records are found, the node receives a 100% score. If the number of records found falls below 25%, the node's score is cut off by totalPercent / 25%. This verification check helps ensure the accuracy and integrity of the data stored by the nodes in the network.

The guide

Now that you know a bit about why this exists in the first place + more technical details, we will go into details on how to setup a node.


This is fairly important as running a node on non optimal hardware will result in little to no rewarding taking place.

Recommended storage of at least 1TB, ideally 8TB+

To effectively participate in the cluster rewarding system, it is recommended to have a minimum of 1TB of storage capacity. Ideally, a storage capacity of 8TB or more is preferred to maximize the node's contribution to the network and increase the potential rewards.

Minimum requirements:

  • CPU: i3-4370 or better
  • RAM: 16gb or better
  • Storage: read above

Home internet connections can be used, but they must be fast and stable. It is recommended to have a connection that is either fiber or coaxial cable, to ensure smooth operation and reliable performance of the node. Please note on some residential ISP equipment IPFS can cause major problems. Deactivate the node if you experience internet instability shortly after startup.


apt update
apt install -y git docker docker-compose
git clone

cd cluster-rewarding;

Now you need to create a file named .env in the cluster-rewarding folder with the following values:

HIVE_ACCOUNT=insert your username without
HIVE_ACCOUNT_POSTING=insert your posting key

# Don't change

Note: Incorrect .env file will lead to improper setup.

docker-compose up -d

For turning off the node only

docker-compose down

Docker will automatically build and start the container. From there your node will start pinning videos automatically from 3Speak. Rewards should start to be distributed after about 1-2 days of operation.

Note: this is beta software. If you run into issues please contact us on discord. Any feedback is much appreciated to help us improve the cluster rewarding software.

In conclusion, cluster rewarding nodes enable quick and efficient distribution of content, provide redundancy in case of platform downtime, and empower the community to participate in the storage process. Operating a cluster rewarding node not only contributes to the robustness of the platform but also offers rewards to the node operators. With the potential for predownloading all of 3Speak IPFS content, cluster rewarding nodes also pave the way for the future rollout of PoA mainnet.

Important Links:

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