Hidden Human History Part II: The Great Sphinx


Welcome everyone the the second installment of Hidden Human History, today well be going to one of the most awe-inspiring sights in the world, the Giza Plataeu. The Great Sphinx and the pyramids at Giza are some of the most incredible man-made objects on earth, they're so old, we don't know exactly how, when, or why they were built. But with many recent discoveries being made thanks to the ever improving pace of technology and science, we're beginning to get a much clearer, much crazier picture than ever before.


Many people would have you believe that the Great Sphinx was carved by the Egyptians around 2500 BC, and that it bears the resemblance of the Pharaoh Khafre from that time. However no records from that time, or any other time regarding its construction. So what do we actually know about the sphinx using modern science, and looking at all the records the ancient Egyptians have left us? The Sphinx was carved from the bedrock out of limestone, its 73 meters long, and about 20 meters high.John Anthony West, and Dr. Robert shock, a professor of geology at Boston University who is highly respected, cite the vertical weathering lines on the side are without a doubt caused by at least 1000 years of fluvial erosion, very distinctively caused by rain. Eolian erosion on lime stone from sand blowing for thousands of years, and from water falling from above have very different effects and look very different.


Whats so crazy about this? the last time that part of the world had enough rainfall to cause this kind of erosion was at least 12,500 years ago, which predates any know human civilization. But in reality it could be much older than that. On the Giza Plateau we have two constellations represented on the ground. We have the Pyramids perfectly aligned with the belt of Orion on the solstice, as well as the fact that they are aligned perfectly to astronomical north, not magnetic north. Then we have the Sphinx aligned perfectly due east, which would have been facing exactly towards the constellation of Leo on the vernal equinox at the same time 12,500 years ago. Some theorize that the face we see today was carved by the Egyptians out of a larger and presumably weathered lion with a mane. Personally I can see that.


The Pyramids will need their own article to cover properly, but their relation to the Sphinx is obviously important. Recently when Dr. Robert Shock was conducting side-scan sonar all around the Sphinx they discovered an anomaly underneath the left paw. Upon further analysis they determined there was a perfectly rectangular chamber that was not empty. As soon as the Egyptian authorities realized what they were doing, they kicked them off the site. What they are trying to hide or protect is anyone's guess. Could it be the legendary hall of records, described by the ancient Greek lawmaker Solon, who returned from Egypt and spoke of the Egyptian priests, and their hall of records.


Hope you all enjoyed, stay tuned for our next installment, where well dive deep on the Great Pyramids.

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