3D Printing Filments and Electrics

More upgrades for the Anet A8, or well since at the moment it's just the frame and motors that are stock, a new name might be in order: The Mock8 i3

I installed new electrics:

Fitting these to the printer i used a Electronics mount for Anet A8 by the user niftymaker. The power supply got this cover designed by Seadevil. For wiring i mostly reused the wires from the A8 but i'm going to change them later to some different wires.

The MKS Base 1.5 was flashed with Marlin firmware from melvinchng. While it took some fidling around i got the firmware installed and after wiring up the printer i noticed something: The stock Anet Fan-Connectors are wired wrong in consideration to the plugs on the MKS board.

Other than that, wiring was straight forward from the screenshots melvinchng provided.

I mostly wanted to do those upgrades to print different materials than PLA. Currently i'm printing Filamentworld's 1.75 PET-G Firered which is going to be used for printer upgrades mostly (the same stuff Prusa uses for their i3-Printers

While i don't have much in terms of pictures yet for this blog, here's a list of stuff i either already printed or will print in the future in PET-G for my printer:

and lot's more. Maybe i create a proper "complete" pagacke with all the STL-files i printed so if anyone want's to get the whole package you could just get it in one go

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