The three things in a life are related to each other. What ever we all are, the three things always move one to another like a loop in our life.In every perspective of life we always need those things.The different categorized people have those things in different situation of life.

The three single things appears ones life one by one.None of them can stay at a time to our life. We need to overcome one by one and finally we just hold something in those three.It may be Success or it may be dropout or it may be depressed.

Situation of life demands those three thing in life to observe in what condition we are standing.Then it appears as what it like to fit with us with the cureent situation.

Ok, Majority says there is no way to succeed in life but when we star to run after it, then the true situation happens with us. It shows the people who is now succeed ,have to overcome the other two situation. Obviously success has a link with depression. With our depression one can't never be succeed. but they will always be free from the Dropout.

-The sentence,
"work until, you no longer have to introduce yourself"

Without intriducing oneself it's hard to get the bacis need of life.So,we should need to follow those things in life.Because without success in life,life will looses it meaning and hard to bear our existance so smothly.We should not looses our hope because life is like a mixer with those three things and it’s true that life get strength from the failure. The actual meaning of success ones can feel so heartly after geeting depressed to failure in work.Some thimes it seems that the failure people can recover their life from another but it’s also true the need to gain more mental engery to recover themselves from the depressing and the failure situation..


There is a word that the success shines behind a cloudy moment.Like that,we need to wait for that moment to get the movement of life.So,Sturggle is the only option to move back in happy successful life. So, finally to think the sentence.we should fight with those three things.

Harvey Specter,He is a Lawyear and he express some powerful thought about move in life.we can take his quotes-

                           “You wanna lose small, I wanna win big.” -Harvey Specter

And one more,

                             “I don’t get lucky, I make my own luck.” -Harvey Specter

So,from his quotes we can think a thing that we need to have fearless confidence in yourself.So,finally to think the sentence.we should fight with those three things.

research shows that the success and depression consequences below,

-"Why The Super-Successful Get Depressed"

-From psychologists who have treated the very high-functioning C-suite types over the years, the consensus seems to be that this group is indeed more prone to major depression – for a variety of reasons – than people of other socioeconomic strata. “Uber-success can be depressogenic,” says Todd Essig, Forbes contributor and psychologist in New York City. “Many C-suite executives are prone to depression, despite their success, maybe even because of it.”


It’s important to point out that depression can affect everyone, in any stratum. No one, no matter how richly or simply one lives, is immune. That said, there seems to be something about extreme success that puts one at higher risk for depression – perhaps because it’s so pressurized, so lonely, or so empty, it triggers depression in those you’d least expect it. In fact, some of the most successful people in history have suffered from relentless, incapacitating depression – some have won their battles, or, at least, continued to battle. Some, sadly, succumb to it.


-The relation between Depressed and Dropout:

We focused in Students and It Mainly seems in University and College students. Reasearch shows the result from university of Michigan.


research also indicates that lower grade point averages depended upon a student's type of depression, according to Daniel Eisenberg, assistant professor in the University of Michigan School of Public Health and principal investigator of the study.

There are two core symptoms of depression? loss of interest and pleasure in activities, or depressed mood? but only loss of interest is associated with lower grade point averages.

"The correlation between depression and academic performance is mainly driven by loss of interest in activities," Eisenberg said. "This is significant because it means individuals can be very depressed and very functional, depending on which type of depression they have. I think that this can be true for many high achieving people, who may feel down and hopeless but not lose interest in activities.

"Lots of students who have significant depression on some dimension are performing just fine, but may be at risk and go unnoticed because there is no noticeable drop in functioning."

Students with both depression and anxiety had especially poor academic performance.

"If you take a student at the 50th percentile of the GPA distribution and compare them to a student with depression alone, the depressed student would be around the 37th percentile?a 13 percent drop," Eisenberg said. "However, a student with depression and anxiety plummets to about the 23rd percentile, a 50 percent drop."

In the study, Eisenberg and his colleagues conducted a Web survey of a random sample of approximately 2,800 undergraduate and graduate students about a range of mental health issues in fall 2005, and conducted a follow-up survey with a subset of the sample in fall 2007.

The dropout rate for University of Michigan students is about 5 percent per year, which is much lower than the national average, Eisenberg says. This likely reflects the type of high-achieving students Michigan attracts, along with U-M's support network for students experiencing emotional problems or depression.


So,don't get upset. this is supposed to say life is like a sine wave.Don't get stopped(dropout) and be stuggeled and take the crown of Success.

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