3 Golden Nuggets a day - on Focus

  • Classic Read

Resource: The Poincaré Conjecture: In Search of the Shape of the Universe by Donal O'Shea (Author)


My one golden nugget:
Janos Bolyai was told by his father, about mathematics, in particular working on the fifth postulate:
"Fear it no less than sensual passions because it too may take all your time, deprive you of your health, peace of mind and happiness in life."

  • How To's:

Resource: Black Hole Focus: How Intelligent People Can Create a Powerful Purpose for Their Lives by Isaiah Hankel

My one golden nugget:
Change your priorities and you will change your life. Your core priorities are the center blocks of your life.

  • Biography:

Resource: "Get COMFORTABLE With FAILURE!" - Ryan Holiday (@RyanHoliday) - Top 10 Rules

My one golden nugget:
"Delegate" - Ridiculously short I know, but the 80/20 rule cannot work without proper delegation.

Optional Bonus: Roger Ver's Short Reading list

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