The Rant: 2 Types of Pinoy Bloggers

Throughout my whole term as a blogger, it is only when I ventured to Steemit that I have fully seen the Pinoy blogosphere as a whole. Outside Steemit, my blog primarily focuses on blogging and the Pinoy blogging community it was only logical for me conduct a mini research of what I will be dealing with.

There are a lot of things that I have learned while conducting my quick research. Aside from learning that blogging is still not recognized by most Filipinos that are still living offline, I have also learned that Steemit is too diverse that it can be further classified into different subgroups.

These subgroups differ depending on the types of bloggers that fall under it.

In a desperate attempt to fully establish a boundary between these subgroups, I classified them into two simple groups which I have listed below. Keep in mind that these classifications are based on my own personal judgement and analysis. I just had a yoga session this afternoon, so I am more calm and reasonable as of this writing.

This classification is intended to give you a glimpse of the two major types of bloggers that make up the Filipino blogging community in Steemit.

The so-called "Bloggers"

This particular group of bloggers takes up most of the blogging population today. I estimate that it could be around a 70% of the overall size of the Philippine blogosphere.

Filipinos love to talk about themselves and their personal lives. Anything they think that would sell. It is because of this reason that Filipinos end up creating personal blogs.

These blogs cover topics that are of interest to the author and they add their own opinions and views regarding that particular topic.

This type of blog makes use of either humor or intellect to attract readers or leeching on to someone. Too early to drop names but if you're honest and brave enough, you can comment freely below.

Bloggers behind these blogs are mostly part-time or hobby bloggers or roughly the lazy ones who don't find time to go the extra mile.

The Legit Ones

Instead of talking about personal lives, this bloggers saw the potential in making more money on their blogs by focusing on topics that has a high demand of readership. This type of blogging is dubbed as Niche Blogging.

Unlike Personal blogs, niche blogs are more tightly focused because it covers only one particular topic. Niche blogs concentrate more on providing valuable information about a particular topic while giving some personal insight on it.

Pro-bloggers can be classified under this category. These are full-time bloggers who are geared to maximize the money making capabilities of a blog through different means.

I don't need to elaborate these bloggers further because I can't find more words to describe how great and awesome they are.

So there you have it people, something that everyone can ponder on. The biggest question now is, which type of blogger are you?


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