Why work so hard to hate....

Hate is a difficult thing, it takes a great amount of energy and effort to just hate someone. It takes effort to explain hate, whereas sharing your thoughts on love can fit neatly within a sentence. The more I listen to, or read the words of one that might try to justify hate the more cracks I see in their arguments.

Ask someone why they love and you don't see a fractured thing. You see something more complete, something solid.

Hate needs to be repaired constantly, it needs to be justified, it needs to be pieced together through deeds. It needs to be held together with thoughts of negativity. It needs your time, it wastes your time.

Is it difficult for you to twist and mangle the truth of life into the justification you need for hate. Is it hard to press it down into an unrecognizable shape.

It has to be hard holding down love, the struggling victim as it gasps for air, as it scrapes and claws back to the surface just for a moment of breath.

There is no ease in stifling love under so much hate...

All love needs to stay strong is a smile, or a hug.

Just let it breathe..

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