The silence is deafening.

Hi everyone,

So I've been away for a bit, well....not away but more like quiet.

Wait that's not right either, I mean I've been talking and stuff. What I mean is that I haven't written much in a while. I don't really have a reason so to speak. What I do have is an explanation.

Sometimes I just don't have much to say, and to pull something out of my butt just to post isn't why I started my steemit journey. For me steemit has been sort of an outlet, and a way to share a bit of me with you. So for me to write I have to feel inspired to say something.

I have to draw energy from my audience as well. I don't get very many comment just yet so at times it can be alot like talking to myself, and who wants to talk to themselves all the time lol. Either way I'm here, and I'm thinking so that's awesome. The title is basically exactly what I felt today when I opened up my account for the first time in a while. I noticed that while I've been pretty quiet on Steemit, I have also been keeping to myself at work and a bit quiet at home.

Just sort of quietly hiding in my cave, worrying about things, and calculating solutions to problems I probably cannot solve alone. But I can assure you that as these things change I will write a bit about it all.

At the moment I just haven't had alot happen.

So reach out, let me know what do you do to get out of a funk at times.

Share your secrets :D

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