After a two-week recess...this Captain has returned.

As mentioned in earlier posts here, I had to move--first from the soon-to-close Google+ (online on February 23), then from our old ZIP code (of 33511 in the T/SP area on the 27th). Effective tonight, this feed continues from a new base (33527) on a new platform (no points for guessing below).

People like me are every bit reluctant about moving, but now that our new home has been paid for, not rented like last time...


Hours after I typed my previous post (at around 4:30 p.m. EST), I was out of there--bags full of important material and all. Official arrival time at our new place: 5:03.

But we weren't done with the old home yet: The next morning, February 28, I volunteered to help my fellow superiors clean it up--starting a few minutes after eight. Only two breaks ensued--the first from noon till after one (to load up half of our old frozen goods at the new place), the other between 3:00 and 3:30 (with Chinese food). The work was so much, I lost mental track of the calendar and thought we still had one day left before March--only that March was right around the corner the following day.

Plus, my younger sister joined us during the final few hours (till ~11:25 that night).

All things told, we had to pack everything away--otherwise they'd stay behind for good. (Tell that to a superior's flowerpots....)


A fortnight on, and the unpacking/settling-in is still in effect. New house, new architecture, new rules, new items--the works. We were based in a deed-restricted community last time; now it's a gated scheme. Frontier once gave us Internet and cable; now it's local competitor Spectrum. (With almost every single channel in HD--but far more important stuff matters to me than the couch box anyway.)

The moving blues partly factored into my decision to wait that long before breaking my radio silence and regrouping as a Steemian. Also to blame: A few rulesheet drafting sessions for the refinement of my gift-mapping process (last week), and catching up with the most recent goings-on of the Adanson crew from my forthcoming Unspooled series (from last Friday till late this afternoon). So much on the latter to write home about, a lengthy one-post recap must do when we reopen the Marigot Notebook.


And that'll do from our brand-new residence, a few resteems notwithstanding; heading back to the gift-map rulesheet in a while, en route to my final attempt at redoing Stage 1 of Veritas (dedicated to my Plus contacts). In time to come, our first Nature Island Minute on Steemit; a few random tidbits; and a look back at the shortest Oscar winner around. (Let's hope this doesn't lead into an all-new Tasklist of Death this time around--a chronic bugbear during my G+ tenure.) Till then, take care, stay connected...and God bless.

Also: Condolences are in order for the 157 on board Sunday's Ethiopian Flight 302--from me and Adanson.

If you're an ex-Plusser or user, then please let me know in the comments and we'll connect if possible.

From the one, the only, the all-new...


CC0 Kopimi
(2450) (If you're tuning in for the first time, that's the number of days that have elapsed since this feed's first day on G+ [June 28, 2012]. The counter is a carryover from those good old days; I wouldn't part with it for nothing.)

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