What in the world do I share!?

Man, I swear some days the idea blogging is intimidating. I'm trying to conjure up the good resonating concept and what that leave me with? This post. Just starting out is definitely an interesting process, one we probably all share of what am I really going to do here? I had two first posts that I didn't have to stress too much about. Now here, no. 3 I want to send out some positivity and engage with the community here. And this is what I've found out tonight;

  1. I'll sound like shia labeouf and the nike brand when I say it's all about "just do" but it's the truth. Whatever is sitting in your mind of "I gotta get this done", don't remind yourself, don't put it off till later, it's in your mind now- act on it. I believe procrastination comes from fear. Fear of execution and our critical judge that presides in our minds telling us it wasn't your best.

  2. My very "buddhist" ways will say - we are always doing our best at any given time. There is no true existence of the after math facts of "should of" "could of" or "would of". What I mean to say is at whatever point you made a decision, and later said one the three above phrases, that was not a possibility - you didn't have the time to think further, you didn't have the ability or supplies to do so, you didn't have the knowledge, or you just didn't have whatever it was that was needed to provide that "should of, could of, would of" outcome. And that is no fault of our own.

And if I think of anything more I'll share it with you all.

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