Why is everybody cheating?

As a minnow I understand how hard it is to spend a couple of hours writing something with the presumption to do some quality content and in the end, nobody even reads it. Honestly I think most of the people like me don't even do it for the money anymore. We just want to participate in that so dream about community where people just try to help each other with different type of information.

In that subject, I often search through the new posts trying to find someone like me and give them a little support to keep doing their thing. I am amazed how hard is to find them. The posts are full of memes, pictures of flowers and stolen content and the strange thing is people actually like these posts. The initial purpose of Steemit already seems lost and difficult or even impossible to achieve.

I can't help wondering is our society moving backwards? Will we soon become like our ancestors of the Stone Age?

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