Zeke Thoughts (With Added Music!)


It has been a hell of a week that feels like it has been two. I won't get into the details because they are not really that dire but still a great time for some positivity!

I hang with @wesphilbin all week long but about once a week I pause to create a blog to discuss positive things using #thoughtfuldailypost as a tag. Positivity is best when shared and we often have to be reminded to pause and think good thoughts. Now, we have an all new vehicle in the form of @thoughtfulposts, to whom I have delegated in order to crank up this party bus!

Here are a few of the imagy/texty things delivered to me via the abyss that is the interwebz, with added music to enhance your experience!


Don't Judge


Carl Jung should need no introduction as the controversial godfather of analytical psychology but I would encourage you to refresh/discover him starting here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Jung

I have heard is said that the brain is an emergency organ that mainly lies dormant until called to solve a problem. The example was given that you don't even detect the buttoning up of your shirt unless there is one missing or you have them lined up wrong. Then, your brain switches on and handles the crisis.

Even when we engage our brains to evaluate a situation, person or behaviour, it is another level of mental gymnastics to calculate why, rather than judge. It can be a battle to bypass the initial impulse, attempt to put yourself in the situation, and appreciate all of the factors that went into making it what it is. If I were you, I would do the exact same thing because I would have lived your life, learned the same lessons, and reacted how you would have. I have worked on thinking instead of judging to practice more compassion and it is fascinating!

I was going to post something like I am the Law by Anthrax but happened upon this neat little mystery and thought it would be better to share for those looking for a one-off.


Stasis Please!


Not sure who is responsible for the quotes but I will not quote it for my own no matter how much you can picture me saying it.

Looking back, childhood is like a 13-year acid trip of stupidity, discovery and mystery. When we are young, our brains are drinking everything in simply to build themselves and form the people we will become. Who says growing up means we shouldn't be thirstily consuming external stimulus and constantly evolving as a person? Definitely not me.

I fear we entrench ourselves a bit too much into routine if we stop striving to have youthful fun. Sure we have to be productive, we develop others who depend upon us, and progress is important. Not at the sacrifice of pure, youthful, lowest common denominator fun and adventure if you ask me.

Perhaps we are not so much getting back to being a child, but staying good at having silly fun so that you never lose yourself.

Child in time.


Life Hurts


Beginning with the end in mind is a good way of achieving a good end. It takes at least a little obsession in order to achieve but you can get swept from the moment.

Focusing on staying in the moment is a great talent to develop whether you enjoy learning constantly, or stray from understanding that now is all we ever truly have. Being genuinely grateful for today is not always easy but seems to make me burn less fuel doing what I have to do. A little hurt will do you good and I like to spend a portion of each moment looking forward, but hopefully not enough to rob me of that moment.

WWZS?: Life has no shortage of hurt so there is no need to go searching for it.



This movement is gaining momentum and now is being curated by @thoughtfulposts to whom I have delegated some #hive @thoughtfulposts/thoughtfulposts-introduction-or-a-thoughtfuldailypost is where you can get the details and please consider delegating to help make positivity extra rewarding.

I invite you to pen your own #thoughtfuldailypost any day of the week and spill your wisdom on the world via the blockchain.




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