Zeke Thoughts - Becoming What you Say You Are For the People


It is fascinating to me to try and find new themes for branded serial posts I can add to the rotation. A post a day is what I strive for so there are only so many I can feature on a weekly basis. #ThoughfulDailyPost is inclusive and fun because positivity is best when shared. @wesphilbin waves the flag for us and has created @thoughtfulposts as the curation account to whom we have delegated to boost its power to reward thoughtful posts.

I invite you to pen your post and share in my musings and the loosely-related music I would pair with each.




I love taking a look at things from a completely different perspective and this quote does just that.

We can get swept up in an ever-shifting lifetime of self discovery and development on the way to enlightenment and freedom. Imagine if freedom was what we started with and this development simply stripped it away in stages. While this could be interpreted as a valid reason to avoid challenge, growth and conquest, I am not sure that is the point.

I believe we become the shape we are washing up on the beach of our lives over the decades. Not every nick and dent is entirely constructive and some of what we become is made up of defence mechanisms we build to avoid further trauma. While doing all of that, if we can work on removing the armor we don't need anymore, maybe we can progress and unbecome to get closer where we are meant to be.

Life is a journey and so is Journey. Tribute to the Mexican karaoke tribute! @zekepickleman/the-weekly-zekely-mexican-karaoke-exploits


What You Say You Are


Another uncredited maybe!

As the years go by, I seem to be finding more and more people who are little more than talk. I try and tell my little ones to say what they are going to do, and do what they say they are going to do. Pretty simple and it helps your mouth not get ahead of your ass with a little practice.

Controlling our thoughts plays a part of being in control of our actions no doubt. Spending our time thinking ourselves into the role of a good universal citizen is virtuous enough but nothing without action. Shit is gonna happen and invite you to prove who you think you are. Practice what you preach!

The Fixx! "Do what you say. Say what you do!"


For the People


I am thinking Stephen Punwasi https://twitter.com/StephenPunwasi qualifies for a Hive Blog with this profound observation and over 35k followers that twitter could erase in an instant on a whim. Join us on the decentralized side man!

I like to stay out of politics because it is like cheering for teams I don't care for in a sport I don't believe in. When people start whining about increasing corporate tax in Canada, one of the world's most taxed places on earth, it makes me scratch my head. Don't they know that making it harder for corporations to make a profit and employ our people might actually be a double-edged sword? Surely there is more to it than that.

Then, the pandemic hit and the government spammed the print button on the money machine and made it rain. One of the first places it went was to the banks and mortgage companies to distribute to the little people in order to help with property payments. The red tape they spun up to delay the relief making it to the people so they could sit on their hoard was baffling and telling all at once. Seems like a middle man was more immediately important and was taken care of before the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit started to slide right to the people.

While the economy is made up of a big portion of these large companies, at least it made it into the hands of the people to buy what they need. The people were the reason our nations and kingdoms were born in the first place so I am all for the funding and empowerment of the people. Another reason I love #Hive at its fundamentals.

Some classic hoser wisdom with Rush and Limelight. The underlying THEME!



This movement continues to gain momentum and now as it is being curated by @thoughtfulposts to whom I have delegated some #hive @thoughtfulposts/thoughtfulposts-introduction-or-a-thoughtfuldailypost is where you can get the details and please consider delegating to help make positivity extra rewarding.

I invite you to pen your own #thoughtfuldailypost any day of the week and spill your wisdom on the world via the blockchain.



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