Zeke Thoughts and Wednesday Walks!


I am prone to combine tags and movements so that the followers of each community can connect through my blog.
Today, I am combining @tattoodjay's ever popular #wendesdaywalk with the #thoughtfuldailypost that was inspired and is lead by our buddy @wesphilbin.

For my my weekly deep thoughts break, we unplug from life, goals and stuff to reflect and use our brain as a boost for our soul. We get caught up so much in the day-to-day operations and struggle for success that we lose perspective. An easy way to hit reset on that is to disconnect, pause, and reflect a little. PLUS! I encourage you to meet some nice folks with your own #thoughtfuldailypost at #pypt every week on The Ramble. https://discord.gg/ES9kaN

The #wednesdaywalk is the inclusive STEEM serial where folks get up, get out, snap some pics and tell a story here while being active. Active and social is awesome and sharing your perspective with people from across the globe is such a neat mechanism of the blockchain.


First, the Walk!


It was a nice day which is fortunate when your little one has a hankerin'. Any reason is a good reason to get up and active and spend time with your kids. A nice small town with mild weather for late autumn makes it even better.



Just so happens I know of a great place to satisfy that hankerin'. A business I helped put together from the Point of Sale technology side owned by a friend of mine I love to support. Win/win/win.



It is a great diner called Old Man and Son. Brother restaurant to a really fancy bistro, and an evening snacking drinking lounge. This place has all the comforts of home done right with in-house smoked bacon, locally sourced produce and meat, and corners not cut.



While all that is fine and good, we are here for a specific reason. That reason is MILKSHAKES! I have eaten here numerous times but never gotten into the shakes. Now is the time.



Lucky for me, they have a milkshake section of the menu just for me!



It may be strange, but y little one went right for the vanilla shake. There are obviously fancier flavours but she has always been a fan of the creamy french vanilla. Here it is in all its glory accompanied by her patented gang sign. Cherry and all.



This baby is called the Triple B! Bourbon, Baileys and Butterscotch. I had no idea my life had been so empty without this! So damn yummy and I would recommend it to anyone.


Now for the Thoughts!


This simple little guide struck me when once I may have glossed over it.

Exercise and water seem to be elementary. Truth is, we are prone not to exercise and I often have to remind myself to drink that much water. Like 10k steps, I bet I don't do it all the time.

I am not sure about the tea but I suppose Green Tea and a balanced diet so easily identifiable with the distinct colours on your plate would do it for sure.

Meditation is a little beyond me but I do enjoy my reflecting time and unplugging with music. Takes you away a bit for some refreshment and change of pace.

Laughter is a little harder to come by I suppose if you are not out enjoying interaction with other folks. Funny how it is contagious and if you had your book keeper with you counting the laughs during a hang with a good friend, I bet we could surpass 7 minutes.

Sleep is obvious but I like to take it one step further. I like 7 hours at night so that I can stay up late and get up early, AND an hour nap in the afternoon. You seriously have not LIVED until you work an hour of nap into your afternoon.

Reading is like living a hundred lifetimes in the span of your own. Plus, consuming and learning is great for the brain and soul. Speaking of soul, being thankful is good for that as well and it should not be too tough to find reasons to be thankful every week of the year.....not just this week for my american friends.

The most important part, for me, is the word DAILY. Each of these could be nice treats or on-off experiences but it is the consistency that will change your life.


It is off to that hour and a bit of exercise for me as I train tonight for the Jiu Jitsu tournament I am in on the weekend. I hope you got up and out and active while taking time for the other things. If you did, you had one hell of a day.



I am honoured to curate for:



That was on your mind during your walks today?

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