#ThoughtfulDailyPost - Removing and Replacing


Thursdays for me are for #ThoughtfulDailyPost! so I can unwind and get thoughtful! @Wesphilbin waves the flag for us and runs @thoughtfulposts as the curation account that rewards thoughtful posts. Please join us in sharing your positive vibes on the blockchain and consider delegating.

Here are a few few bits of internet wisdom that caught my eye and qualified for submission to a fantastic legion of followers, engagers and weirdos connected through the #hive blockchain. Loosely paired with meticulously curated music at my fancy.


What to Remove?


Who doesn't like Dwayne The Rock Johnson? He is widely known as one of the best professional wrestlers of all time and I guess he was in some movies too. Always seemed like a fun-loving rich guy so let's see what he is up to in this one.

I spend a good amount of time puzzling, solving, hearing about and even creating problems. When you open with a line that proposes a solution to a lot of them, I am all ears.

How can removing certain foods solve problems? Well if you have to ask that, you are probably experiencing some of them now. Sugar, fat, salt, preservatives, and so many other components of food are detrimental to your health in large quantities. Everyone knows that. How would your health improve if you removed sugary drinks from your diet? How about fast food that is saturated with salt and fat? What if we removed animal protein from our diets completely? When I think about the effect diet has on the health ailments of most people I know experiencing them, and how many problems we face because of poor health, how can that not be true?

Removing some people? Sure people cause complications because we are all like wildcards with our own destinies. It is not that easy to remove someone from your life who is a problem because there are things besides problems that make up our relationships. Alright so maybe not remove all people from our lives because they cause problems. Let's try at least a few of the easier ones and see where that gets us.

Habits. What a heavy load we bear for the habits we have. A decision that leads to action that becomes a behavior that happens consistently for a period of time becomes a habit. Not all habits are bad but some of them sneak up on you and get a hold of you without you noticing...or wanting to. If we thought about some of our bad habits and were able to just remove them, how many problems would that solve? How many would we avoid?

Imagine the impact of removing some of each of the 3 of those things from our lives. Even starting with just a little. Thanks The Rock!

Out of all the good stuff in that one, all I can think of is Rock. I like to sneak in as many Canadian artists as I can and Helix will Rock You!

Replacement and Shifting


I spun in internet circles trying to find the real author of this one and have seen so many signatures that I stopped with a pseudoscience misinformation spreaders and gave up. I love the amination and am into positive energy so why not?

This one strikes me as such a smooth sentiment that makes almost too much sense. Often, when I feel that, I try and shift to how other people might and what they would think. In this case, it is "easier said than done." Some people are in a rough place health and mentality wise which would make this simple replacement not so simple. I wonder why not.

I take it personally as a notion that stuff happens to me in part because of the decisions that I make and the actions that I take. As a youth, this might manifest itself as blame, and it takes some resilience and thoughtfulness not to fixate on the problem. When what was happening was positive, then maybe an acknowledgement of luck or a slice of happiness at the good fortune. Now, it is empowering to think that I can influence some of what is happening to me and that I have the power to replace a victim mentality with a "what am I going to do about it" solution mentality. Pausing a sec to consider what the moment is trying to teach me is like next level stuff.

While I strive to understand the plight of other people and the limitations they have that I don't (or perhaps learned to overcome,) I wonder which are self chosen. Perhaps none of them? All of them? If it is somewhere in the middle, I have faith in each individual to work on taking control of their attitude and shifting their perception of a situation. No matter which is the case, I believe everyone can learn from a situation and making this swap is a muscle that needs to be trained.

An absolute classic impossibly crammed in to a song under 3 minutes. Stop hey what's that sound?


Nothing like getting thoughtful as it is not the mistakes that lead to wisdom, it is contemplating those mistakes. If being thoughtful is up your alley, you have the option to delegate to @thoughfulposts to increase the rewards for positivity.
@thoughtfulposts/thoughtfulposts-introduction-or-a-thoughtfuldailypost is the post that started it in 2020!

I invite you to pen your own #thoughtfuldailypost any day of the week and share your insight on the world through your blog.



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What would you remove for a little more peace?

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